JADAM's Well Building Mission: The Samburu Project
Tax deductible
During this time of reflection and often a time of formulating new years resolutions, we ask that you join us in our resolution to give back in 2020. Let's build a well!!

As many of you know, we honeymooned in Kenya and had the opportunity to learn so much about this amazing and beautiful country. In spending time with locals and visiting a village in Samburu we learned where we could help in a productive way - a way that would benefit the community the most, without interfering with their established beliefs and lifestyles. It became clear that water, something we absolutely take for granted, was at the core of so many of their struggles. We learned that most tribes in the area of Samburu were nomadic, in constant search for water, meaning that their homes needed to be temporary in nature and easily packed up on donkeys and moved. Not having access to safe, clean water is killing a child every 90 seconds and many children aren't able to go to school because they are helping the women of the community gather water from the nearest well every day (12+ miles away). The more wells that are built, the more these communities can be healthy, settle and thrive.
We are passionate about this effort and would love to have you join us in building a well with The Samburu Project in Kenya. This organization has built 100 wells and as of late, they have partnered with local Nairobi companies to further enhance wells with solar panels and better maintenance programs. 1 well will service approximately 1,000 people for their entire lives.
You can read more about The Samburu Project below - what we found most interesting are the five areas that this funding will be used:
1. Sourcing the right location
2. Digging the well itself
3. Building out the well
4. Installation of the mechanical pump
5. Community training & ongoing maintenance
US donations will be a tax deduction.
Join us in this 2020 effort!
More information about The Samburu Project: The Samburu Project's mission is to provide access to clean water and continue to support well communities with initiatives that promote health, education, women's empowerment and general well-being. We envision a thriving Samburu where access to clean water is a consistent reality, and all people are happy, healthy, and educated. https://thesamburuproject.org/

During this time of reflection and often a time of formulating new years resolutions, we ask that you join us in our resolution to give back in 2020. Let's build a well!!

As many of you know, we honeymooned in Kenya and had the opportunity to learn so much about this amazing and beautiful country. In spending time with locals and visiting a village in Samburu we learned where we could help in a productive way - a way that would benefit the community the most, without interfering with their established beliefs and lifestyles. It became clear that water, something we absolutely take for granted, was at the core of so many of their struggles. We learned that most tribes in the area of Samburu were nomadic, in constant search for water, meaning that their homes needed to be temporary in nature and easily packed up on donkeys and moved. Not having access to safe, clean water is killing a child every 90 seconds and many children aren't able to go to school because they are helping the women of the community gather water from the nearest well every day (12+ miles away). The more wells that are built, the more these communities can be healthy, settle and thrive.
We are passionate about this effort and would love to have you join us in building a well with The Samburu Project in Kenya. This organization has built 100 wells and as of late, they have partnered with local Nairobi companies to further enhance wells with solar panels and better maintenance programs. 1 well will service approximately 1,000 people for their entire lives.
You can read more about The Samburu Project below - what we found most interesting are the five areas that this funding will be used:
1. Sourcing the right location
2. Digging the well itself
3. Building out the well
4. Installation of the mechanical pump
5. Community training & ongoing maintenance
US donations will be a tax deduction.
Join us in this 2020 effort!
More information about The Samburu Project: The Samburu Project's mission is to provide access to clean water and continue to support well communities with initiatives that promote health, education, women's empowerment and general well-being. We envision a thriving Samburu where access to clean water is a consistent reality, and all people are happy, healthy, and educated. https://thesamburuproject.org/

Adam and Janet Knight
Seattle, WA
The Samburu Project