The Satanic Temple -Theft & Defamation Legal Fund
Tax deductible
Since 2014, the Washington Chapter of The Satanic Temple (TST) built a flourishing social media presence with more than 17,000 followers through their works and actions. The pages were a positive reflection on themselves and the organization. In March, four former associates of TST, David Alan Johnson, Leah Fishbaugh, Mickey Meeham, and Nathan Sullivan, stole two of TST’s Facebook pages.
They even gloated about the theft:

They also tried, but failed, to steal the Washington Chapter’s Google and Twitter accounts. Then, they went on a petulant rant by posting disparaging and defamatory statements on our Facebook page that directly targets an audience we spent years building.
We tried to get the pages back by asking nicely. No response. We asked sternly. Again, no response. Finally, we sent a letter from our attorney promising that, if the pages were simply returned, we would forget about the whole thing. Again, we received no response. Ultimately, we had no options left but to sue. The person hired to drop off the papers alleged he was threatened by one of the defendants who brandished a gun. Why that defendant is not in jail is beyond us. But it speaks volumes about the character of the defendant to intimidate a process server who was just trying to earn a living during a pandemic.
These four people have had the audacity to call themselves “victims” and are trying to appeal to the public’s sympathy on the false claim that they “are being unjustly targeted during a pandemic.” They did not seem to have any issue with engaging in theft and libel during a pandemic with the specific purpose of harming us. Whatever ideological issues they may have with TST does not justify them doxing people in TST and posting addresses of members who have little children.
Anyone who donated to support their legal effort based on their Go Fund Me post was conned. Their Go Fund Me appeal is replete with outright lies and distortions in an attempt to distract pigeons from their guilt. They have posted their dishonest defense, but naturally, they fail to post our complaint, which clearly spells out their misconduct. We do have no desire to deal with the distraction and expense of a lawsuit involving theft and defamation, but we also have no choice. We believe in justice, and we certainly don’t want to invite others to steal and spread lies.
We can’t change that the defendants insist on broadcasting the fact that they took something that wasn’t theirs, publicly bragged about it, refused to return it, and then cried about “persecution” when they got sued. But we also can’t let them control the narrative and try to play the victim card because we take legal action.
Please help our organization cover the legal costs of having to deal with unscrupulous thieves and send a message that there are consequences to criminal actions.
They even gloated about the theft:

They also tried, but failed, to steal the Washington Chapter’s Google and Twitter accounts. Then, they went on a petulant rant by posting disparaging and defamatory statements on our Facebook page that directly targets an audience we spent years building.
We tried to get the pages back by asking nicely. No response. We asked sternly. Again, no response. Finally, we sent a letter from our attorney promising that, if the pages were simply returned, we would forget about the whole thing. Again, we received no response. Ultimately, we had no options left but to sue. The person hired to drop off the papers alleged he was threatened by one of the defendants who brandished a gun. Why that defendant is not in jail is beyond us. But it speaks volumes about the character of the defendant to intimidate a process server who was just trying to earn a living during a pandemic.
These four people have had the audacity to call themselves “victims” and are trying to appeal to the public’s sympathy on the false claim that they “are being unjustly targeted during a pandemic.” They did not seem to have any issue with engaging in theft and libel during a pandemic with the specific purpose of harming us. Whatever ideological issues they may have with TST does not justify them doxing people in TST and posting addresses of members who have little children.
Anyone who donated to support their legal effort based on their Go Fund Me post was conned. Their Go Fund Me appeal is replete with outright lies and distortions in an attempt to distract pigeons from their guilt. They have posted their dishonest defense, but naturally, they fail to post our complaint, which clearly spells out their misconduct. We do have no desire to deal with the distraction and expense of a lawsuit involving theft and defamation, but we also have no choice. We believe in justice, and we certainly don’t want to invite others to steal and spread lies.
We can’t change that the defendants insist on broadcasting the fact that they took something that wasn’t theirs, publicly bragged about it, refused to return it, and then cried about “persecution” when they got sued. But we also can’t let them control the narrative and try to play the victim card because we take legal action.
Please help our organization cover the legal costs of having to deal with unscrupulous thieves and send a message that there are consequences to criminal actions.
Malcolm Jarry
Salem, MA
The Satanic Temple