Strike Fund - Medieval Times Performer’s United
Donation protected
More information on horse abuse and the companies response!
Update 5/22/23
Hello everyone! We have officially crossed the 100 day mark of our strike and it’s looking like we’ll be out for a lot longer. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was another 100 days. We are committed to the cause and we will hold out and win no matter what. If you’re here, thank you for the support and kindness. It’s been a long road and we wouldn’t be this far without you. We have a long way to go, but we are fighting for a good cause. Check back here or our other links for more information and feel free to email me if you want to be added to our email update list!
Update 4/20/23
Hello everyone! We have been on strike now for over 70 days. I would love to say that the end is close, but it’s not. This company has doubled down on their treatment of animals and their employees. We must continue to fight and we can with your help. We appreciate any and all donations to the fight! If you’re here your already helping. Remember you CAN get a refund if you talk to management on site. Don’t support this company until they treat their workers and animals fairly.
Update 3/26/23
Hello everyone! It’s been a crazy few weeks. For those that are unaware we have released a video detailing horse abuse at Medieval Times. This abuse is performed by our current head horse trainer and assistant horse trainer. It’s sad and disgusting behavior and we did everything possible to go through the proper channels at the company and with law enforcement to get these individuals removed so our animals can be cared for properly, it all fell on deaf ears. I have attached links to Twitter and Tik Tok for more information. We appreciate your support so far and know that we are not just fighting for better and safer working conditions for ourselves, but for our animals as well. They don’t have a voice like we do, so we have to yell louder to make sure that we are all heard.
Update 3/10/23.
Hello everyone! We have officially been on strike now for a month and we could not have done it without you! Even though the fight is not over and we are still not back at work we have been able to help 15 people with rent, food and other necessary bills since we’ve been on strike. We will need your support in the coming weeks as the fight continues! Please don’t hesitate to come talk to us on the strike line, if you’re in the area and let’s keep working together to hold this company accountable for the way it treats it’s employees.
Update 2/25/23.
Hello everyone! We are two weeks in and just getting started! We appreciate all the support so far and we will need your continued support to keep up the fight. We can and will do whatever it takes to make sure this company treats its employees with respect. We have put too much blood, sweat and tears into our jobs to not be treated like human beings. If you’re reading this, you’re already helping us so thank you so much. If you want more information check the link tree above for news coverage on our story!
Update 2/18/23
Hello everyone! We are a week in and we cannot thank everyone enough for the help! Unfortunately it looks like we are going to be on strike longer than we originally thought. We are staying strong and with your help we’ll stay out as long as we need. With that in mind we have updated our goal, thank you again for the help. Union strong!
We are the queens, chancellors, knights and squires of Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament in Buena Park, CA. You may or may not know that we recently unionized through the American Guild of Variety Arts in order to fight for better pay and working conditions at our castle.
We absolutely love doing the show and performing for thousands of people from all over the world who come to see us. Unfortunately, our company does not value us as workers or human beings. Recently, due to our unionization efforts, they have made moves to silence our voices by getting our TikTok account with over 8200 followers banned from the platform and by deleting comments and removing anything they perceive as negative off social media.
This campaign is an effort to combat the growing support we have gotten from the wonderful people who love our show and want to see us taken care of. Because of this, we are currently striking and not performing in the show. We don’t know how long this will last and the economic burden on some of our cast members is tough, to say the least.
We are asking for your support so that we can stand up and fight for as long as it takes to get a better workplace so we can put on the best show possible! Thank you for any and all support and know that anyone who is willing to help will be in our hearts emboldening us to fight for what’s right! Thank you!!!
Jake Bowman
Buena Park, CA