The Slowest Wave–Neuroscience Pilot Study
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Today, we are raising money to support The Slowest Wave, the first neuroscientific study of butoh to date. Help us bring our dancers to Houston, Texas, February 6-11, 2023, for this pioneering scientific pilot study. Our dancers' brainwave activity will be recorded and analyzed while they perform The Slowest Wave. Thank you for making this groundbreaking project a reality! Learn more about The Slowest Wave here.
The Vangeline Theater has been a leader in the development of contemporary Butoh dance since its founding in 2002. Informed by the expansive vision of pioneering choreographer Vangeline, the Vangeline Theater brings to life a timeless style of Butoh that continues to captivate audiences. www.vangeline.com
Vangeline Gand
Brooklyn, NY
Vangeline Theater, Inc.