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The Stump Family Rescue

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Hi, folks! After 2 years of being un/underemployed Jen and I started a business that is just starting to grow. Over the last 3 weeks vandals have ruined 5 tires on our 2 cars (along with about 20 more in our neighborhood!), our lawnmower broke, and last night our refigerator stopped working, all when we have every cent tied up and are 60+ days out on getting paid for the new firm.
We are raising money for a new refrigerator and new tires as well as essential vehicle repairs we have been putting off. With 5 sons a working refrigerator is the most critical, of course. 
A decent large fridge is about $2,000, 5 new tires is about $500 (going with a local firm we know well and are getting good prices), and the repairs to the family vehicle are about $500.
Our need is pretty immediate, as you can see!
Thank you in advance.
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  • Anonyme
    • $50
    • 7 yrs
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Rick Stump
Acworth, GA
Jennifer Stump

Votre plateforme d'entraide à la fois conviviale, efficace et sécurisée

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    Votre don est protégé par la Garantie des dons GoFundMe