The Humans of Moria: Winter Jackets and Blankets
Donation protected
Early September a big fire added more trauma to the 12.000 residents living in Moria refugee camp on Lesvos. At least two people are confirmed dead. Many people have lost their homes and all of their belongings. Tensions are high in the camp, people are tired and frustrated. They live in a constant state of survival in inhumane and dangerous conditions. Their lifes are put on hold and they are deprived of all of their human rights...Now winter is approaching with heavy rains and freezing cold nights. There are children sleeping in tents and under tarps, right on the cold and wet ground, disposed to the elements and other hazards.
EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FOOD, WATER, SAFETY, WARMTH AND SHELTER... yet these basic human rights are unavailable for the thousands of innocent men, women and children waiting in limbo at the Moria Refugee Camp in Lesbos Island, Greece.
It means that today, over 16,000 people are stuck in limbo in a TEMPORARY camp that was designed for 3,000 people.
A temporary camp means there is no permanent infrastructure like electricity and running water, let alone housing everyone LIVES in a tent or isobox or some form of temporary dwelling.
No permanent electricity means there is limited lighting, limited hot water, and no heat.
There aren't enough toilets and showers.
There aren't kitchens for people to cook meals in, let alone boil water for a cup of tea...
People queue 3 times a day for up to 3 hours at a time for breakfast, lunch and dinner - provided by the army so you can probably imagine how basic that is. and I have only scratched the surface of the physiological issues within the camp, let alone the severity of the psychological crisis, yet the bottom line is that the living conditions in Moria Camp are inhumane.
Winter is soon upon us, and with no ability to 'switch on the heating' in their makeshift tents, the consequences of the conditions I mentioned above are amplified to fatal.
With your help, the funds we raise will protect the residents of Moria Camp from harsh winter conditions by providing coats, blankets, and warm clothing and other items that are needed on the ground.
YOU can make a difference. Help us support the people in Moria blankets and other necessities.
The people in Moria need your help!
See latest coverage about the humanitarian crisis here:
Lina Mohammed
Richardson, TX