Templeton Primary School Defibrillator
A new defibrillator has been installed at Templeton C.P School to benefit the pupils, staff and the local communities of Templeton and Cold Blow.
Friends of Templeton School (FoTS) – are looking to the local communities of Templeton and Cold Blow to help subsidize the purchase of the defibrillator (at a cost of £1, 350). Any donations would be greatly appreciated to help off-set costs to the school’s charity (FoTS) ensuring that more money is available to support future projects for the pupils of Templeton C.P. School.
The device is registered and supported by the British Heart Foundation’s National Defibrillator Network; also referred to as “The Circuit” where the location of your nearest defibrillator can be easily accessed online; (visit www.bhf.org.uk for more information) or via a call to 999 during an emergency.
Defibrillators have the potential to save lives, with the latest research showing that accessing these devices within 3-5 minutes of cardiac arrest increases the chances of survival by 40%. The presence of a defibrillator at Templeton C.P School is hugely important given that staff, children and visitors to the school will benefit, alongside the wider community – bridging the gap between the next nearest defibrillator’s (located outside The Boar’s Head; Templeton Village or at the B4314 Cross Roads; Prince’s Gate) – see “The Circuit” for more information on exact locations.
Head Teacher of Templeton C.P School; Mr Kevin Phelps “is exceptionally pleased to support this scheme, which can be accessed and used by all members of the local community".
The device was installed by Tony Wall, CFR Team Coordinator for the South Pembrokeshire area. Tony also advises and assists with regards to service and maintenance of the defibrillator, alongside training for the local community. Subsequently residents of Templeton Village and Cold Blow are invited to attend a Training Course on how to use the defibrillator and potentially save a life, with a forthcoming course available at Templeton Primary School, Thursday 15th June 2023 at 7pm. Refreshments will be served.
Friends of Templeton School and the Parent Community thank you in advance for your generous support.
Carol Lambert
Friends of Templeton School