The Trek For Tinas Hospital
Donation protected
The unwavering love and companionship of a dog is a truly special connection. They are there for you at your lowest ebb, the moments when you need a silent partner to drive you forward when times are tough. For so many of us, we know the strength and meaning we can draw from these unique relationships, and have relied on the light and relief they provide during moments of hardship in our lives. This has certainly been our own personal experience over the years. It may sound silly to some, but it as a special bond built on unconditional love that has picked us up and driven us forward during some of the toughest times in our lives.
However, the unfortunate and harsh reality is so many dogs are badly abused, neglected, and left to suffer in heart-wrenching conditions. Here in the UK, well established Charities work endlessly to protect and help animals subject to mistreatment. But this is a global problem. We accept and acknowledge a divergence of cultures and differing attitudes towards the roles dogs play in our lives, but work can be done to control the swelling stray dog populations in some of these countries and help ease the mindless suffering inflicted upon them. My brother and I have been lucky enough to travel to several countries over the years and even live in a few. This has led us to support a number of different animal welfare charities across the world. The challenge can feel overwhelming and insurmountable, but there are some truly selfless people out there making a big difference.
One charity in particular struck a chord with us. After a few months of following Niall Harbison on Instagram, a man who has dedicated his life to helping Thai street dogs, I messaged Chris to tell him about the account and the work Niall is carrying out. With Chris also living in Thailand, I thought this would be of particular interest. By complete chance, it turns out Chris and Niall are already friends! Chris has been making regular donations to support the charity and even visited Niall in Koh Samui to help with a long weekend of catching and sterilising almost 100 dogs. This work is physically and emotionally draining, and Niall is committed to this project 365 days a year. He works tirelessly providing food, medicine, vet care and sterilization to control the flow of puppies. He has also helps find loving new forever home's, ranging from Wales to L.A., for dogs who have previously known nothing but hardship and mistreatment. His next project is to build a specialist dog veterinary hospital in Koh Samui in the memory of some of the brave dogs he has helped, but sadly had to say an early goodbye too. One dog in particular captured the hearts of Niall and his followers, a beautiful golden retriever named Tina. Niall rescued Tina from terrible conditions, extremely malnourished and close to death. Her previous treatment sadly meant she had developed chronic kidney failure, but despite the hardship she had previously endured she blossomed into a trusting and loving friend. For the remainder of her short life Tina had massive impact on her local community, even travelling with Niall to schools to share her gentle nature with the young children. Niall committed to naming the new hospital in her memory, Tina’s Hospital for Dogs that Aren't Doing so Good. We strongly encourage you to check out (and follow) the incredible work Niall and his team at Happy Doggo are carrying out on Instagram…..
Inspired by the good will and selfless acts of others, we wanted to set ourselves a challenge and help contribute to Niall’s latest project. So, in March 2024, we will pack our rucksacks and set off an adventure to climb and summit Mera Peak in the Mahalangur section of the Himalayas. At just under 6,500m, it will be 12 days of trekking and climbing in temperatures as low as -15 degrees Celsius. Staying in lodges run by local families along the route and camping as we draw closer to the summit. We will battle the elements and truly test our levels of mental and physical endurance, and our brotherly bond! There will no doubt be arguments, tears, and several threats to quit, but knowing we are doing this for a good cause will drive us forward. We will be funding the entire trip ourselves, meaning any donations go directly towards Niall and his team and the funds for building the new hospital.
We will document our climb on our socials and allow others to enjoy the peaks and troughs of our adventure! Thank you so much for considering our cause and for your potential donation. We are deeply grateful and appreciate any support you can provide!
You can follow our journey on instagram here…..
Please don’t forget to like, comment and share whenever you get the opportunity.
Matthew Moynes