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The Tribe Gets Lavender a Ride

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When my daughter was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, I felt impossibly alone. How could anyone understand my grieving, my fears?

I came across a community of parents who also had children with rare Trisomies... and they became my Tribe. Our tight knit community isn't know by many, but they have been my biggest heroes on my darkest days. One mom in particular, Rose Watson, has always been one of my truest friends in the Tribe. I admire her beyond compare... she is full of grace & faith. She has endured amazing trials with her daughter Lavender, and come out stronger for it. It's easy to see where Lavender gets her beautiful & strong spirit.

When Rose shared with me her story of trying to get Lavender & her medical equipment to a recent doctors appointment, I felt a deep calling within me. The Watson family currently has only one vehicle, without air conditioning, that's very unreliable. I felt God's voice telling me, pulling me to help. So to help, I turned to our Tribe, and we are turning to you.

Please consider helping a very deserving family purchase a new vehicle. Lavender requires a huge amount of medical equipment & needs safe, cool transportation to her very necessary appointments. Imagining Lavender's perfect rolls sweating in the summer heat breaks my heart.... her whole family, her sister Luella, deserve as little stress in their lives as possible. Let's make this possible.

Thank you for your time. Oh, and PS, this is a SECRET. So please only share in a way Rose doesn't find out!

Thank you,
Kimberly Minor & The Trisomy Tribe
Loving Lavender FB Page


  • Shaya Fitzgerald
    • $20
    • 6 yrs

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Kimberly Minor
Newnan, GA
Rose Watson

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