"The White Box" - A Psychological Drama Short Film
Donation protected
"When Carter is about to finish his last year at high school, everything he once was familiar with changes leaving him feeling desperate and alone. Trying to force himself with unloving friends, his mental health plummets. However, through a moment alone in his room, he is transported into an untouched white box inside his mind he can travel in and out of. Confusing at first, he uses this blank canvas to helps him meet new friends and help him join the Choir where he may belong!"
Author's Note
This film is my Senior Thesis! This story aligns with my experience and like many others. Change is scary and some unexpected figures in our lives can become the most loving and fitting of friends when you least expect it. The White Box is a visual representation of getting stuck in our own heads and breaking out of it to be your truest self. Like myself, Carter the protagonist must push through these initial fears and embrace the changes we find in our lives!
- Everyone who donates to support and help bring this film to life will be credited in the credits!
...But there's more!
- For our most gracious of contributors (the top five donators before Feb 10th), we will directly contact you (via email) to get your photo IN our film! As a Thank You, we'll offer you the chance to send us an image of your kid, your significant other, a pet, or just a random meme that will be framed and found within the Set Design! (Warning: All images must be appropriate and will be approved via our contacted email)
Other ways to support? If you don't have the money, please consider sharing this link to your family or cinephile friends that may be interested in directly helping a film come to life!
Thank you! Much love from the White Box Crew!
Jake R. Morgan - Director
Matt Peterson - Producer
Evelyn Denham - 1st AD
Mitchell Opperman - 2nd AD
Devan Shulman - Director of Photography
J. Ramirez-M - 1st AC
Georgia Hessel - Production Design
Kailey Reed - Wardrobe, H&M
Miles Toriani - Sound
Aidan Bunkosky - Gaffer/G&E
Aiden Lifter - Grip/BTS
Michael Ludwig - Grip/Sound Asst.
Ashley Morgan - Graphic Designer
Jake Morgan
Allendale, MI