The Winwoods - Truck Fundraising
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Last October we were so blessed to be able to travel to the Middle East for our full time missions training with Iris Global. This time was both deeply conformational and transformational, as we sought the Lord as family over a few months, and heard Him together to move to Northern Mozambique to volunteer with Iris Global. We felt the Lord clearly ask us to sell all that we had to buy the treasure hidden in a field.
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."
Matthew 13:44
We completed the course in December as a family, and headed home to start the transition of moving to Nacala Mozambique.
We will be volunteering as full time missionaries in Northern Mozambique, at the Nacala Iris Global base. Our hearts have been captured by the Lord for the people of Mozambique, and we cannot believe we get to go and serve them. It will the greatest challenge of our life, and the greatest adventure with Jesus as a family. The kids will be attending an Montessori international school in the town of Nacala.
We will be flying mid April to Nacala from the UK.
We've set up a simple website, that explains in depth our journey, provides a monthly newsletter, and explains what we will be doing in Nacala Mozambique:
Following the Lord, we are selling almost everything we have, as we prepare to fly in the Spring! The sum total of this will help to cover our initial set up costs, some renovation to the small home we'll be moving into and some of our living expenses as we get established.
We will need to purchase an all terrain truck, for life in Mozambique which is an essential additional expense. The kids school is 25mins south by car, and life in Nacala centres around having a vehicle. As the base is in its pioneering stage, Iris unfortunately cannot provide any missionaries with a vehicle.
We are looking to purchase an older 4X4 ahead of landing in Mozambique. There are a couple of options available to us, and all start at around $20,000. This is for a basic vehicle, such as an older model of Toyota Hilux or Landcruiser. The reason a basic vehicle is this price, is due to the Mozambican government taxing any vehicles brought into the country 80-120%.
If you're interested in partnering with us financially and would like to know more, we have a detailed financial document that we can send to you. Feel free to message us direct, or through the site we've set up:
We also have a page setup with Stewardship via Iris Global UK, if you're a UK tax payer you can opt in for the UK Government to add 25% to any donations through this page:
Ben Winwood