The Yaakov Rafael Renov Foundation
Tax deductible
The Yaakov Rafael Renov Foundation was established to do Chesed l’iluy nishmas our beautiful son Yaakov Rafael Z”L ben Eliyahu Yerachmiel who was born on shabbos kodesh and niftar on shabbos kodesh, Seder night.
B"H, we have been blessed to see so much bracha come from such a strong neshama. Among the chesed that has already been done so far in Yaakov Rafael's zchus is creating a bris gemach, which has been used for so many wonderful simchas already, donating pekelach for all the children on simchas torah, supporting our local minyan, sponsoring seudat shlishit for Yeshivat Shavei Chevron on Parshas Chayei Sarah and starting the writing of a sefer torah.
Every donation, of any size, goes towards these causes and doing additional chesed l'iluy nishmas and in the zchus of Yaakov Rafael Z"L. We are deeply touched that you have chosen to give tzedaka l'illuy nishmas our son and hope the tzedaka you give brings you much mazal and bracha. May we all be zocheh to see the coming of Moshiach quickly in our days.
All donations go to The Yaakov Rafael Renov Foundation DBA Claire Kamhi Hachnossat Kallah Fund.
B"H, we have been blessed to see so much bracha come from such a strong neshama. Among the chesed that has already been done so far in Yaakov Rafael's zchus is creating a bris gemach, which has been used for so many wonderful simchas already, donating pekelach for all the children on simchas torah, supporting our local minyan, sponsoring seudat shlishit for Yeshivat Shavei Chevron on Parshas Chayei Sarah and starting the writing of a sefer torah.
Every donation, of any size, goes towards these causes and doing additional chesed l'iluy nishmas and in the zchus of Yaakov Rafael Z"L. We are deeply touched that you have chosen to give tzedaka l'illuy nishmas our son and hope the tzedaka you give brings you much mazal and bracha. May we all be zocheh to see the coming of Moshiach quickly in our days.
All donations go to The Yaakov Rafael Renov Foundation DBA Claire Kamhi Hachnossat Kallah Fund.
Danielle Renov
Atlantic Beach, NY
Claire Kamhi Hachnossat Kallah Fund