Help Dusty STOP leaking BRAIN fluid
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If you're not familiar with my crazy story...click HERE -->
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Thank you in advance for taking the time to click on my fundraiser. I have been very blessed and had so many kind people donate to my cause through GoFundMe, but they take such a high percentage of the amount donated, I have started this campaign because YouCaring doesn't take anything, and my medical bills are not getting any smaller. My need has never been greater...
Whether you know me and my crazy story, or you're just learning about me, I want you to know that your time is appreciated. As I have faced this challenge of mine and as it continues to evolve, I have truly been inspired by people like yourself, who just want to help those in need. I truly have worked hard to be just like you, giving back to those in need around me. NEVER in my wildest dreams did I anticipate how quickly my life has turned around, and now I am the one in need. The speed at which this life can change is astounding; so be grateful for what you have!
I want to start off by saying that this is literally the hardest thing I have ever done. Being in need, and depending on strangers is so hard for me, a proud, hard working man. But you come to a point where it is literally the only choice you have, so you muster the courage and ask. It used to be that my pride, and what people thought of me mattered more than just about anything. Now it is HOW do I continue to survive this, and take care of my family who needs me. I hope you not only will be inspired by the story I am about to share...but that it will remind YOU that YOU can do hard things, and overcome some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable.
My name is Dusty Bee. I am a radio dj in East Idaho, and the father of two handsome little kids. I have always worked hard to help those in need around me. Literally was given a blessing to have a voice, and have tried to use it for good. I have done fundraisers everywhere I went, including riding a ferris wheel for 12 hours straight to raise money for a woman's shelter in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Living a normal, happy life, and working as hard as I could(and failing at times) to be a good example, I arrived at May 17, 2015! While driving to Salt Lake City, I just happened to sneeze and cough at the same time, ever done that? This time it was different, as I felt a pop in my head! When it happened I had a lot of force in my head, enough to create a hole in the dura of my sinus! What?! That can happen?! Yes it can, all be it VERY rare. That hole caused FLUID to leak out of my sinus, then out of my nose.....BRAIN fluid otherwise known as Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)! I was leaking HANDFULS of it every time I tipped my head forward! The problem is your brain needs this fluid for cushion among other things. Needless to say I was very sick. After being rushed to Salt Lake City, I underwent 7 hour surgery to repair that hole. They thought they had got it, and I was relieved! I was returned home after a few days but little did I know, the journey had just started. I was re admittied into the hospital with meningitis, and then many, MANY more surgeries to stop my CSF leak have happened over the last two years....
To date I have had 12 SURGERIES to stop my leak! Its still hard to believe, but it is true. FIVE of them were sinus flap leak repairs, and the others were OPEN brain craniotomies! The crazy part is that my surgeons had never had to do more than two to stop CSF leaks in other people. My journey has just been different, and that has to be alright, and fuels me to "JUST KEEP SWIMMING"! I wished that I could say that was the craziest part of my CSF leak saga, as I call it, but it isn't. During those craniotomies I developed an infection, where I nearly died, and eventually lost my forehead bone! You will see some of this in the pictures on this page, but I also highly recommend you look at my Facebook group listed below to see all of the pictures.
Its actually weird for me to think about; and hard for me to believe. It is though my reality. I am actually even today, in mid February 2017, preparing to go back to Salt Lake to get more specific tests done to locate my leak, and then to prepare for more craniotomies, or other surgeries to find a way to stop the CSF from leaking. I will give you a further update below...
The GOOD part of this story, and actually something that I am VERY proud of is when in the midst of the very first days of being sick, I felt prompted spiritually that I had a choice to make, and that I needed to "BEE HAPPY" on purpose. I started making simple videos from my phone in the ICU, that very first hospital stay, reminding people to "Bee Happy" and CHOOSE happiness! I had no idea then that we would be this far into it, and still be struggling, but spiritually I knew I needed to do it! As each surgery, or hospital stay came, I would ponder how I could use my trial to bless others, and would do it. I have hundreds of videos, and thousands of posts on a page that I created called THE BEE HAPPY MOVEMENT! www.facebook.com/thebeehappypage On this page, which now has over 5,000 people from all across the country who have liked it, and continue to follow it, we have raised thousands of dollars for people in need! Ellen's Boyfriend, Tayt who is a little man that inspired me years ago, shaved my head after we raised $10,000 for a family who had just lost their mother, and have continued to do little things to help people who are hurting. We have awarded Teachers, and Nurses with appreciation awards, and started a Bee Happy Award for people in our community who inspire others! We even inspire our followers to do little "Bee-Do's" which are random acts of kindness to people they come in contact with...I could honestly go on and on about the good that page has done, but you will just have to go and see it for yourself. I am proud that my illness has helped me, and others turn around the good, and inspire THOUSANDS of people!
While I am so grateful, and happy! While I am so proud of the good we have been able to do, and see. I am truly at a point where I continue to need help financially. I am not able to work very much at all, and even when I do, it is a struggle. As I have fought this illness, I have spent every single dollar I have. I have sold all my belongings of worth, sold my car to get the equity out of it, and drained my bank accounts. I literally have been living off of this fundraiser, and been using it to pay down the thousands of dollars that I owe on my medical bills. I am not done yet, as I prepare to start to undergo many more test, procedures, and surgeries to stop my CSF leak, to hopefully return to full health one day, I don't think I could be in more need than I am in right now.
Will you please consider donating to my cause? I know your money is hard earned, and in my opinion it is sacred money. I want you to know that you would be hard pressed to find someone who appreciated it more than I do, or who will work harder to give back and return your kindness to others, the very second I am able too. Thank you in advance for your help! If you are not able financially to help, a SHARE is more than enough to help me beat my situation! They say every share helps earn $37!
Know I love you with all that I am, and thank you for your generosity! I will beat this, and when I do, I will thank you for your help in getting me to a place where I can! God Bless! - Dusty
"The one who FALLS and gets BACK UP is much stronger than the one who never gets up again"

<iframe media_type="0" media_id="z6AX0vwzxVU" class="youtube-replace" title="YouTube video player" style="margin-bottom:20px;width:560px;height:315px;" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/z6AX0vwzxVU/?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1"></iframe>
Thank you in advance for taking the time to click on my fundraiser. I have been very blessed and had so many kind people donate to my cause through GoFundMe, but they take such a high percentage of the amount donated, I have started this campaign because YouCaring doesn't take anything, and my medical bills are not getting any smaller. My need has never been greater...

I want to start off by saying that this is literally the hardest thing I have ever done. Being in need, and depending on strangers is so hard for me, a proud, hard working man. But you come to a point where it is literally the only choice you have, so you muster the courage and ask. It used to be that my pride, and what people thought of me mattered more than just about anything. Now it is HOW do I continue to survive this, and take care of my family who needs me. I hope you not only will be inspired by the story I am about to share...but that it will remind YOU that YOU can do hard things, and overcome some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable.
My name is Dusty Bee. I am a radio dj in East Idaho, and the father of two handsome little kids. I have always worked hard to help those in need around me. Literally was given a blessing to have a voice, and have tried to use it for good. I have done fundraisers everywhere I went, including riding a ferris wheel for 12 hours straight to raise money for a woman's shelter in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Living a normal, happy life, and working as hard as I could(and failing at times) to be a good example, I arrived at May 17, 2015! While driving to Salt Lake City, I just happened to sneeze and cough at the same time, ever done that? This time it was different, as I felt a pop in my head! When it happened I had a lot of force in my head, enough to create a hole in the dura of my sinus! What?! That can happen?! Yes it can, all be it VERY rare. That hole caused FLUID to leak out of my sinus, then out of my nose.....BRAIN fluid otherwise known as Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)! I was leaking HANDFULS of it every time I tipped my head forward! The problem is your brain needs this fluid for cushion among other things. Needless to say I was very sick. After being rushed to Salt Lake City, I underwent 7 hour surgery to repair that hole. They thought they had got it, and I was relieved! I was returned home after a few days but little did I know, the journey had just started. I was re admittied into the hospital with meningitis, and then many, MANY more surgeries to stop my CSF leak have happened over the last two years....
To date I have had 12 SURGERIES to stop my leak! Its still hard to believe, but it is true. FIVE of them were sinus flap leak repairs, and the others were OPEN brain craniotomies! The crazy part is that my surgeons had never had to do more than two to stop CSF leaks in other people. My journey has just been different, and that has to be alright, and fuels me to "JUST KEEP SWIMMING"! I wished that I could say that was the craziest part of my CSF leak saga, as I call it, but it isn't. During those craniotomies I developed an infection, where I nearly died, and eventually lost my forehead bone! You will see some of this in the pictures on this page, but I also highly recommend you look at my Facebook group listed below to see all of the pictures.
Its actually weird for me to think about; and hard for me to believe. It is though my reality. I am actually even today, in mid February 2017, preparing to go back to Salt Lake to get more specific tests done to locate my leak, and then to prepare for more craniotomies, or other surgeries to find a way to stop the CSF from leaking. I will give you a further update below...
The GOOD part of this story, and actually something that I am VERY proud of is when in the midst of the very first days of being sick, I felt prompted spiritually that I had a choice to make, and that I needed to "BEE HAPPY" on purpose. I started making simple videos from my phone in the ICU, that very first hospital stay, reminding people to "Bee Happy" and CHOOSE happiness! I had no idea then that we would be this far into it, and still be struggling, but spiritually I knew I needed to do it! As each surgery, or hospital stay came, I would ponder how I could use my trial to bless others, and would do it. I have hundreds of videos, and thousands of posts on a page that I created called THE BEE HAPPY MOVEMENT! www.facebook.com/thebeehappypage On this page, which now has over 5,000 people from all across the country who have liked it, and continue to follow it, we have raised thousands of dollars for people in need! Ellen's Boyfriend, Tayt who is a little man that inspired me years ago, shaved my head after we raised $10,000 for a family who had just lost their mother, and have continued to do little things to help people who are hurting. We have awarded Teachers, and Nurses with appreciation awards, and started a Bee Happy Award for people in our community who inspire others! We even inspire our followers to do little "Bee-Do's" which are random acts of kindness to people they come in contact with...I could honestly go on and on about the good that page has done, but you will just have to go and see it for yourself. I am proud that my illness has helped me, and others turn around the good, and inspire THOUSANDS of people!
While I am so grateful, and happy! While I am so proud of the good we have been able to do, and see. I am truly at a point where I continue to need help financially. I am not able to work very much at all, and even when I do, it is a struggle. As I have fought this illness, I have spent every single dollar I have. I have sold all my belongings of worth, sold my car to get the equity out of it, and drained my bank accounts. I literally have been living off of this fundraiser, and been using it to pay down the thousands of dollars that I owe on my medical bills. I am not done yet, as I prepare to start to undergo many more test, procedures, and surgeries to stop my CSF leak, to hopefully return to full health one day, I don't think I could be in more need than I am in right now.
Will you please consider donating to my cause? I know your money is hard earned, and in my opinion it is sacred money. I want you to know that you would be hard pressed to find someone who appreciated it more than I do, or who will work harder to give back and return your kindness to others, the very second I am able too. Thank you in advance for your help! If you are not able financially to help, a SHARE is more than enough to help me beat my situation! They say every share helps earn $37!
Know I love you with all that I am, and thank you for your generosity! I will beat this, and when I do, I will thank you for your help in getting me to a place where I can! God Bless! - Dusty
"The one who FALLS and gets BACK UP is much stronger than the one who never gets up again"

Dusty Bee
Pocatello, ID