Help Us Sign to a Record Label!
Hello Friends and Family!
Five years of Far From Sanity ...count them....FIVE years...you have always been a great source of support. It is because of your constant support that we've not only been able to play music but to really thrive at our musical craft. Your support means the world to us as we know that we COULD NOT do this alone.
With that, we once again need to call on YOU..Yes...YOU. How you ask? Well, we are glad that you did. Together we have forged a path that has opened the door to a very incredible opportunity. We have the opportunity to finally sign with a record label!
BUT...before that can happen....we have some steps that we must take. Are you ready to go to the next level?
We are in the studio right now creating our first full length CD. EVERYTHING is being redesigned as well....new logo, re-crafted songs and even a new look.
In short..WE NEED YOU! Will you help us? To do all that is require, there is a certain amount of expenses that go along with that. Now, we're not asking for a handout as much as a partnership. Remember when we said "we could not do this alone?" Well...we mean that. Below you will find several options of investment into this great adventure. We start at $5.00 and build from there. Will you take a few moments, read through each level and consider how you would like to partner with us?
Together we begin the next chapter of Far From Sanity and are excited to have you on board. We CANNOT wait to get started. Thank you for ALL that you continue you do for this band.
-Mark, Jamie, Horace, Aaron, and Steven
Far From Sanity
For those not familiar with us, you can listen to us here and watch us here
And we have rewards for various levels of donations.
$5 USD
You’ve Been An Inspiration and We Want to Help You
2 claimed
$10 USD
CD’s are SO 90’s
Digital Download
2 claimed
$15 USD
Hey…I Like Vintage
New CD
1 claimed
$20 USD
Your John Hancock please.
New CD plus autographs.
8 claimed
$25 USD
Gimme…Gimme…Gimme a CD plus one
TWO CD's New Release plus The Lock Down EP (Limited Quanitity!)
1 claimed
$30 USD
I still want your autograph!
TWO CD's New Release plus The Lock Down EP (Limited Quantity!) All Autographed
4 claimed
$35 USD
Let’s go new and old school
CD plus T-shirt (Vintage)
2 claimed
$40 USD
Out with old, in with the new
CD plus T-shirt (New)
$45 USD
Let’s go new and old school part 2 and I still want your autograph
CD plus T-shirt (Vintage) Autographed
$50 USD
Meh…Give me the updates
CD plus T-shirt (New) Autographed
8 claimed
$55 USD
Stick it To Em
CD plus T-shirt (Vintage) Autographed, plus 2 Far From Sanity Stickers
$60 USD
The Total Package
CD plus T-shirt (New) Autographed, plus 2 Far From Sanity Stickers
$70 USD
Hey, Can I Be On Your CD?
CD plus T-shirt (your choice) Autographed, plus 2 Far From Sanity Stickers and YOUR NAME in the liner notes
1 claimed
$75 USD
Let’s Get Personal
CD plus T-shirt (you choice) Autographed, plus 2 Far From Sanity Stickers, YOUR NAME in the liner notes AND we will create a personal THANK YOU video for YOU
$100 USD
Hey..Can We Hang Out?
CD plus T-shirt (your choice) Autographed, plus 2 Far From Sanity Stickers, YOUR NAME in the liner notes AND we will create a personal THANK YOU video for YOU 2 tickets to our CD Release Party (You and a Friend)
3 claimed
$150 USD
Jump Suit Apparatus
CD plus 2 T-shirts (vintage and new) Autographed, plus 2 Far From Sanity Stickers, YOUR NAME in the liner notes AND one of the Far From Sanity flight/jump suits as seen in our Apokolypsis video . (only 3 left! Mark's Large, Jamie's Large, and Horace's 3XL)
1 claimed (Aaron's Medium)
$200 USD
The More the Merrier
CD plus 2 T-shirts (vintage/new) Autographed, plus 2 Far From Sanity Stickers, YOUR NAME in the liner notes AND 4 tickets for you and your friends to the CD release party
1 claimed
$250 USD
Everything and the Kitchen Sink
CD plus 2 T-shirt (vintage and new) Autographed, plus 2 Far From Sanity Stickers, YOUR NAME in the liner notes, a personal THANK YOU video for you PLUS 4 tickets for you and your friends to the CD release party
$300 USD
You’ll be a Guitar Hero
CD plus 2 T-shirts (vintage and new) Autographed, plus 2 Far From Sanity Stickers, YOUR NAME in the liner notes, a personal THANK YOU video for you PLUS 4 tickets for you and your friends to the CD release party AND an autographed guitar from Far From Sanity (Only One Available)
$500 USD
Far Far and Away
CD plus 2 T-shirts (vintage and new) Autographed, plus 2 Far From Sanity Stickers, YOUR NAME in the liner notes, a personal THANK YOU video AND we will play for you anywhere in a 5 hour radius from Tulsa, OK.