Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

The Mark Baumer Sustainability Fund

Donativo protegido
The Mark Baumer Sustainability Fund will honor Mark.   

Check out the new website.

It will fund important community projects that raise awareness about the environment, promote social justice, as well as involving under-served populations directly in renewing their communities. These were the issues and causes that fueled Mark’s passions and were what he gave his life for.

Mark was a man of compassion and principle, who was involved in many causes aimed at benefiting humankind and the earth. Your contribution will help keep Mark’s spirit alive. You’ll also have an important role in cultivating traits that were part of Mark’s philosophy of life—love, kindness, and working towards building a better world.

“It’s amazing how often we all forget this is the only opportunity we are ever going to have to live this life.”-Mark Baumer 

Organizador y beneficiario

Mary Baumer
Portland, ME
The Mark Baumer Sustainability Fund

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