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Emergency Funds For Food & Aid For Most Vulnerable in Gaza

Spende geschützt
We are taking donations on this platform again for emergency funds, and using the other platform to collect money to use for larger projects to help with on-going needs. PLEASE DONATE TODAY for our current emergency situation.
Welcome to The Sun of Freedom. A grassroots initiative founded by Anas Mushtaha; Palestinian wheelchair basketball player from Gaza.

The Sun of Freedoms mission:
We support those with disabilities (or who have become disabled), orphaned children, and those who face multiple displacements in Gaza with food, water and aid.

We will be moving through different phases within the funds we raise for this campaign.

Our first phase we purchased food parcels, vegetables, meat, and chicken for the Disabled, displaced and Orphans of Gaza at different camps.

We will also be helping war-wounded patients in hospitals, and assisting newly displaced people from other parts of Gaza as they arrive with food and aid. Most recently there has been more displacements and we will be assisting with getting them emergency aid, food and water.

We will provide photo's and videos of our accomplishments, and to share to you the donors where your funds are going.

How You Can Contribute:
Donate: Any contribution, whether big or small will count. Your generosity will save lives and provide a much-needed hope.

Share: Amplify our message by spreading the word. Together, we can make a collective impact that extends beyond the reach of a single donation.

Join Us in Making a Difference:
Stand with us united in the face of adversity. Your collective support can provide more than just food; it can offer hope and a brighter future for those facing the direst of circumstances.

About the Founder & the Team:
Anas Mushtaha is a professional wheelchair basketball player on the National Palestinian wheelchair basketball team. He is currently displaced with his family of 5 in Gaza.

Anas was born with paralytic polio, a severe form of poliovirus, which damages the nerves in the spinal cord leading to muscle paralysis and chronic pain. This means that Anas is in constant pain without his treatment, which he has not had access to since October.

Anas is currently displaced in deplorable conditions in Deer El Balah, after many displacements from the North of Gaza.
Anas isn’t the only person with disabilities that is struggling to survive in Gaza.

An average of 10 children a day lose a limb due to catastrophic injuries and 19,000 children have been orphaned or have no adult left to care for them.

The Sun of Freedom Team:
The team is made up of 3 people Angie, Gio, and Kat who have become close friends with Anas. They all provide different life experiences and skills they are bringing to this fundraising team.

Angie has worked with non-profits as a fundraiser coordinator for many years in Canada, and the US and spent years in Haiti helping orphaned children after the 2010 earthquake. Angie also has her non-profit management certification from UIC in Chicago. She recently hosted Anas's GFM, and raised funds for Anas and his family to have ready for evacuations, a new wheelchair, emergency medical treatment, and cost for living.

Gio is an HR professional who recently started raising funds for Spark for Innovation and Creativity. The funds raised were used to buy 60 tents, and food for displaced people in Gaza. Spark is an independent Palestinian organization that collaborate with several institutions worldwide including UCL University in London.

Spendenteam (3)

Giovanna Deiana
Angie Walker
Team member
Kat Kadziela
Team member

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