The Unknown Martyrs
Donation protected
Hi again;
This is Papa Bear, also known as Eduardo Serio, President and Founder of The Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation. The biggest Sanctuary for Big Felines on Planet Earth.
I'm starting this campaign with three purposes:
1) To help you understand what it really takes to run this Sanctuary; I want to take you in a super deep tour via words and photos of what we deal with every single day: Our problems, our solutions, our expenses, our methods, etc.
2) The Unknown Martyrs: We have around 60 RESCUED Animals in quarantine areas that need to be moved to habitats. We need to build those habitats and we need your help. I'll introduce you to some of those Unknown Martyrs that lived in terrible conditions before arriving to us. Also, we have been renovating close to 10 habitats in these past two months, but we need to renovate some more, because either they have been chewed on by the kids, or the kids have outgrown them, so we need to expand them.
3) I want you to fully understand that BJWT is not me, it is all of us. I have posted close to 25 000 informative pictures and videos on social media about our work and about Animals worldwide. I have done Magic to keep the kids healthy and happy, but I can not do it all by myself, I need your help, I need you to understand how valuable our rescues are because thanks to them we have started a revolution never seen before in the Animal world. I need your help in order to continue accepting new rescues, I don't want to say no to new Angels in distress. Money and a proper Heart are the two most important things needed to run BJWT. We have the Heart, but we need the money. NONE OF THE FOUNDERS OR/AND INNER CIRCLE RECEIVE A SALARY, WE ALL DO IT FOR FREE.
Now, the campaign:
Imagine taking care of 500 of the deadliest Animals on the Planet and 300 other not so lethal beings (For a total of 800 rescues), like Bears, Eagles, Hawks, Vultures, Coyotes, Foxes, Monkeys, Llamas, Pigs, Dogs and House Cats.
Before thinking about money, please consider the level of discipline and handling of stress to live day after day with 500 Big Felines without one single accident. Now, imagine feeding those 500 Big Felines. We buy close to 5,000 pounds of meat every day except on Sundays (We fast all the adults on Sundays to clean their organism).
BJWT is the only Big Feline Sanctuary in Mexico, and the most famous worldwide, so I'm contacted every single day by people wanting to send us their Tortoises, Parrots, Monkeys, Dogs and Cats, etc. Mexico has over 17 MILLION STRAY DOGS, so even though this is not what we focus on, we have rescued around 60 Dogs. My philosophy has always been that wherever 100 eat, one more will not change a thing. I am very proud of of not denying the entry to one single Animal, although it's been an economic nightmare. I have rescued them all, but I've paid dearly for it. What shall I say? Kill your Dog? Take it to the shelter? I've tried my best to save as many as possible.
Add to this the salaries of around 45 people, between Vets, Animal Care Takers, habitat cleaners, construction workers, gardeners and Armed Security personnel (We hire a company to protect the kids since you are well aware of the current circumstances of Mexico). Also, consider medicines, construction materials for night rooms, water fountains, steel fence and the countless things used everyday. Things get worn out by use, so sometimes we need drills, water pumps, and many things that do not come to my mind, except when I have to pay for them.
Without building new habitats, to run BJWT properly, we need around 140,000 USD a month.
I call all of my kids Martyrs, because even though they live a very happy life, they live in captivity because us, Humans, have destroyed their habitats everywhere on the Planet, or are stupid enough to breed them and sell them like toys. BJWT, on purpose, doesn't have a license to sell or transfer Animals.
Now, you are super familiar with the stories of Achilles, Lovey Dovey, The Cheyennes, Luke, Han, Tierra, Cielo, King George and hundreds more that I have introduced you to, but you don't know the stories of around 200 rescues that we have, some of them in habitats, and around 60 of them in quarantine areas, so I want to focus on those in quarantine areas.
A quarantine area, as you will see in pictures below, is a small area required by law where we place the new rescues in order to observe them, make sure that they are healthy or cure them if necessary, deworm them, vaccinate them, and then, when they're healthy, they are moved to a habitat. Currently, we have 62 rescues in those quarantine areas ready to be moved.
We need to build 38 habitats in order to move these 62 rescues. Each habitat, as all of our habitats, consists of a garden, a night room that provides shade and shelter from the weather, a patio made of concrete that allows us to separate them when we clean or if they get sick, water fountains, and two strips of shade that cross the garden area from one side to the other. Unfortunately, I can not plant Trees because either the little ones get plucked out immediately by the rescues (Dolano and the Junipers come to my mind), and the big Trees need 6 months to settle, and if the kids scratch them in those six months, they won't survive.
Please remember (And I'll post all the pictures after the text) that all these rescues lived in horrible circumstances before they got to us. Even in their quarantine areas they are 100 times better than where they were kept before, but that is not the final destination for them.
Each habitat has a cost of 19,000 USD, which include all the things mentioned above plus the steel fence, the salary of the workers (During construction season we hire extra construction workers), the cleaning of the dirt and the new grass that needs to be planted before we move the rescues into their new home.
Also, we need to expand 12 habitats, the cost of this expansion is 8,000 USD for each habitat. For example, The White Gangsters were young when we moved them to Stage 2B, but now they're big so we need to expand (Double) the size of their habitat. The same with Enzo's Pride, The Colombian Babies, Wolf's Pride, Naropa's Pride, King George's Pride, Los Bandidos, Los Milagros Del Norte, Cata and Ana, Lazuli's Pride, King David's Pride and Mercury's Pride.
Also, we need to renovate around 20 other habitats; Remember that we are on the Mountains, and together with the subtleness (Joke) of our kids, the materials get worn out, or simply, get destroyed. And this is something that we can not take for granted considering the lethal nature of our rescues. Each renovation costs around 4,500 USD
I am beyond grateful to everyone that has send us their Blessings and Love, and also, to those few that send us their money. Like I mentioned before, two things are needed to run BJWT: Heart and money.
We have the Heart, perhaps the biggest COLLECTIVE Heart in the Universe, but that has been counter productive from an economic point of view. It has literally cost me my guts (Remember that I was 3 weeks in the hospital and got 20 inches removed from my intestine) to make sure that the kids eat everyday, that the kids receive health care and shelter. I have battled fiercely the dark side of humanity that has attacked us from every single angle possible with hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal (Incredible that those organizations receive that amount of money without rescuing Animals), and we have succeeded, but I almost died defending OUR KIDS AND OUR PLANET.
Every single volunteer that visit us leaves in shock about the tremendous work that we do, they literally say that they can't believe what we have accomplished in such a short period of time and with such a limited amount of money (Our financials are public since we are a 501 c3 and you can access them on our website). But again, multiplying the bread, well, in this case, the meat, has been a terrible burden on me. I've done it with all my Heart and I'd do it again a hundred times if necessary, but honestly, BJWT belongs to Humanity, not only to me. We received last year 1.4 million USD, which if divided between the 800 rescues that we take care of, gives us 4.8 dollars per day per rescue. This is not even enough for food, now add all those other expenses that I mentioned above.
If I had enough money, I give you my word that the Lion population in the wild would double in 5 years. Unfortunately, I'm busy solving all the issues here in Mexico because most people don't donate. Everybody tells me that I should cry and beg for money, but that is not my style, I believe in Truth and in people's capacity to understand that we are all connected, that we are all one. People assume, since all our rescues are healthy and happy, that we don't need money, when it is actually the opposite: We need all the money in the world to Save Our Planet and to keep BJWT running smoothly. As a lot of you know, there is nothing more stressing and time consuming than solving money issues, but fortunately and unfortunately, BJWT is a worldwide Foundation, and it is a waste, that someone that really doesn't want anything for himself, but most importantly, only lives to help the Planet, has to be solving money issues all day long. Before the Foundation, money was never an issue for me, the opposite, and now that I'm really and literally running a non profit with 10 MILLION PEOPLE following us on social media, money is always the issue.
I say this with all humbleness: My only reason to be alive is to try to Save Our Planet. I've had it all before, cars, houses in different cities, beautiful girlfriends, etc. I don't want anything else in life except to protect our Planet. Do you honestly think that I went through 3 surgeries and will go through one more in 2 months because I'm afraid to die? I couldn't care less about Death, I've been ready to die since I got fulfilled on a personal way back in 2003. I am fighting this to be able to take care of the kids and to try to pay back my Mother Earth that has Blessed me with so much. This is the only reason why I'm still here. I don't want to get married, I don't want to have human children, I am not moved by money, fear or greed.
The other day I was invited to The Lion King movie premiere (Which I Loved by the way). Taking care of 300 Lions obviously catches people's attention, so several times I was told that I'm The True Lion King. I just smiled to myself because it is the opposite, I am The Lion's Slave. I live to serve them. This is my purpose in life, so I'm asking you to help me continue serving them. Everybody has a purpose in life, this is mine: TO SERVE OUR PLANET. Please help me continue serving OUR PLANET.
- 38 new habitats x 19,000 each one: 722,000
- Expansion of 12 habitats x 8,000: 96,000
- Renovation of 20 habitas x 4,500: 90,000
SUBTOTAL: 908,000
Monthly BJWT costs x 12. 1,680,908
GRAND TOTAL 2, 588,908
Instagram: @BlackJaguarWhiteTiger



This is Papa Bear, also known as Eduardo Serio, President and Founder of The Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation. The biggest Sanctuary for Big Felines on Planet Earth.
I'm starting this campaign with three purposes:
1) To help you understand what it really takes to run this Sanctuary; I want to take you in a super deep tour via words and photos of what we deal with every single day: Our problems, our solutions, our expenses, our methods, etc.
2) The Unknown Martyrs: We have around 60 RESCUED Animals in quarantine areas that need to be moved to habitats. We need to build those habitats and we need your help. I'll introduce you to some of those Unknown Martyrs that lived in terrible conditions before arriving to us. Also, we have been renovating close to 10 habitats in these past two months, but we need to renovate some more, because either they have been chewed on by the kids, or the kids have outgrown them, so we need to expand them.
3) I want you to fully understand that BJWT is not me, it is all of us. I have posted close to 25 000 informative pictures and videos on social media about our work and about Animals worldwide. I have done Magic to keep the kids healthy and happy, but I can not do it all by myself, I need your help, I need you to understand how valuable our rescues are because thanks to them we have started a revolution never seen before in the Animal world. I need your help in order to continue accepting new rescues, I don't want to say no to new Angels in distress. Money and a proper Heart are the two most important things needed to run BJWT. We have the Heart, but we need the money. NONE OF THE FOUNDERS OR/AND INNER CIRCLE RECEIVE A SALARY, WE ALL DO IT FOR FREE.
Now, the campaign:
Imagine taking care of 500 of the deadliest Animals on the Planet and 300 other not so lethal beings (For a total of 800 rescues), like Bears, Eagles, Hawks, Vultures, Coyotes, Foxes, Monkeys, Llamas, Pigs, Dogs and House Cats.
Before thinking about money, please consider the level of discipline and handling of stress to live day after day with 500 Big Felines without one single accident. Now, imagine feeding those 500 Big Felines. We buy close to 5,000 pounds of meat every day except on Sundays (We fast all the adults on Sundays to clean their organism).
BJWT is the only Big Feline Sanctuary in Mexico, and the most famous worldwide, so I'm contacted every single day by people wanting to send us their Tortoises, Parrots, Monkeys, Dogs and Cats, etc. Mexico has over 17 MILLION STRAY DOGS, so even though this is not what we focus on, we have rescued around 60 Dogs. My philosophy has always been that wherever 100 eat, one more will not change a thing. I am very proud of of not denying the entry to one single Animal, although it's been an economic nightmare. I have rescued them all, but I've paid dearly for it. What shall I say? Kill your Dog? Take it to the shelter? I've tried my best to save as many as possible.
Add to this the salaries of around 45 people, between Vets, Animal Care Takers, habitat cleaners, construction workers, gardeners and Armed Security personnel (We hire a company to protect the kids since you are well aware of the current circumstances of Mexico). Also, consider medicines, construction materials for night rooms, water fountains, steel fence and the countless things used everyday. Things get worn out by use, so sometimes we need drills, water pumps, and many things that do not come to my mind, except when I have to pay for them.
Without building new habitats, to run BJWT properly, we need around 140,000 USD a month.
I call all of my kids Martyrs, because even though they live a very happy life, they live in captivity because us, Humans, have destroyed their habitats everywhere on the Planet, or are stupid enough to breed them and sell them like toys. BJWT, on purpose, doesn't have a license to sell or transfer Animals.
Now, you are super familiar with the stories of Achilles, Lovey Dovey, The Cheyennes, Luke, Han, Tierra, Cielo, King George and hundreds more that I have introduced you to, but you don't know the stories of around 200 rescues that we have, some of them in habitats, and around 60 of them in quarantine areas, so I want to focus on those in quarantine areas.
A quarantine area, as you will see in pictures below, is a small area required by law where we place the new rescues in order to observe them, make sure that they are healthy or cure them if necessary, deworm them, vaccinate them, and then, when they're healthy, they are moved to a habitat. Currently, we have 62 rescues in those quarantine areas ready to be moved.
We need to build 38 habitats in order to move these 62 rescues. Each habitat, as all of our habitats, consists of a garden, a night room that provides shade and shelter from the weather, a patio made of concrete that allows us to separate them when we clean or if they get sick, water fountains, and two strips of shade that cross the garden area from one side to the other. Unfortunately, I can not plant Trees because either the little ones get plucked out immediately by the rescues (Dolano and the Junipers come to my mind), and the big Trees need 6 months to settle, and if the kids scratch them in those six months, they won't survive.
Please remember (And I'll post all the pictures after the text) that all these rescues lived in horrible circumstances before they got to us. Even in their quarantine areas they are 100 times better than where they were kept before, but that is not the final destination for them.
Each habitat has a cost of 19,000 USD, which include all the things mentioned above plus the steel fence, the salary of the workers (During construction season we hire extra construction workers), the cleaning of the dirt and the new grass that needs to be planted before we move the rescues into their new home.
Also, we need to expand 12 habitats, the cost of this expansion is 8,000 USD for each habitat. For example, The White Gangsters were young when we moved them to Stage 2B, but now they're big so we need to expand (Double) the size of their habitat. The same with Enzo's Pride, The Colombian Babies, Wolf's Pride, Naropa's Pride, King George's Pride, Los Bandidos, Los Milagros Del Norte, Cata and Ana, Lazuli's Pride, King David's Pride and Mercury's Pride.
Also, we need to renovate around 20 other habitats; Remember that we are on the Mountains, and together with the subtleness (Joke) of our kids, the materials get worn out, or simply, get destroyed. And this is something that we can not take for granted considering the lethal nature of our rescues. Each renovation costs around 4,500 USD
I am beyond grateful to everyone that has send us their Blessings and Love, and also, to those few that send us their money. Like I mentioned before, two things are needed to run BJWT: Heart and money.
We have the Heart, perhaps the biggest COLLECTIVE Heart in the Universe, but that has been counter productive from an economic point of view. It has literally cost me my guts (Remember that I was 3 weeks in the hospital and got 20 inches removed from my intestine) to make sure that the kids eat everyday, that the kids receive health care and shelter. I have battled fiercely the dark side of humanity that has attacked us from every single angle possible with hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal (Incredible that those organizations receive that amount of money without rescuing Animals), and we have succeeded, but I almost died defending OUR KIDS AND OUR PLANET.
Every single volunteer that visit us leaves in shock about the tremendous work that we do, they literally say that they can't believe what we have accomplished in such a short period of time and with such a limited amount of money (Our financials are public since we are a 501 c3 and you can access them on our website). But again, multiplying the bread, well, in this case, the meat, has been a terrible burden on me. I've done it with all my Heart and I'd do it again a hundred times if necessary, but honestly, BJWT belongs to Humanity, not only to me. We received last year 1.4 million USD, which if divided between the 800 rescues that we take care of, gives us 4.8 dollars per day per rescue. This is not even enough for food, now add all those other expenses that I mentioned above.
If I had enough money, I give you my word that the Lion population in the wild would double in 5 years. Unfortunately, I'm busy solving all the issues here in Mexico because most people don't donate. Everybody tells me that I should cry and beg for money, but that is not my style, I believe in Truth and in people's capacity to understand that we are all connected, that we are all one. People assume, since all our rescues are healthy and happy, that we don't need money, when it is actually the opposite: We need all the money in the world to Save Our Planet and to keep BJWT running smoothly. As a lot of you know, there is nothing more stressing and time consuming than solving money issues, but fortunately and unfortunately, BJWT is a worldwide Foundation, and it is a waste, that someone that really doesn't want anything for himself, but most importantly, only lives to help the Planet, has to be solving money issues all day long. Before the Foundation, money was never an issue for me, the opposite, and now that I'm really and literally running a non profit with 10 MILLION PEOPLE following us on social media, money is always the issue.
I say this with all humbleness: My only reason to be alive is to try to Save Our Planet. I've had it all before, cars, houses in different cities, beautiful girlfriends, etc. I don't want anything else in life except to protect our Planet. Do you honestly think that I went through 3 surgeries and will go through one more in 2 months because I'm afraid to die? I couldn't care less about Death, I've been ready to die since I got fulfilled on a personal way back in 2003. I am fighting this to be able to take care of the kids and to try to pay back my Mother Earth that has Blessed me with so much. This is the only reason why I'm still here. I don't want to get married, I don't want to have human children, I am not moved by money, fear or greed.
The other day I was invited to The Lion King movie premiere (Which I Loved by the way). Taking care of 300 Lions obviously catches people's attention, so several times I was told that I'm The True Lion King. I just smiled to myself because it is the opposite, I am The Lion's Slave. I live to serve them. This is my purpose in life, so I'm asking you to help me continue serving them. Everybody has a purpose in life, this is mine: TO SERVE OUR PLANET. Please help me continue serving OUR PLANET.
- 38 new habitats x 19,000 each one: 722,000
- Expansion of 12 habitats x 8,000: 96,000
- Renovation of 20 habitas x 4,500: 90,000
SUBTOTAL: 908,000
Monthly BJWT costs x 12. 1,680,908
GRAND TOTAL 2, 588,908
Instagram: @BlackJaguarWhiteTiger



Eduardo Serio
Los Angeles, CA