Raise Think Phoenix from the ashes!
Donation protected
Help us rise from the ashes!
The historical house that Think Phoenix was operating out of caught on fire at 5am on 8/24. This set back breaks our hearts as we have been a figure in the First Fridays areas for a long time now. We are big supporters of the art scene and the growth of downtown Phoenix.
We will not let this fire stop us. We will emerge from the ashes just as the Phoenix bird emerges from the ashes. We will find another great location and we are working with our wonderful landlords to move us into something.
We are saddened by this and we are still in operation in our Think Tempe homebase. The Phoenix operation's goals are to help garment printing and paper printing for the surrounding arts community and downtown. The office is in ashes and all the equipment is ruined. (Garment printers, digital printers, computers,etc)
We are trying to raise funds so that we can move next door in the Flowers building in the next 45 days and recouperate the costs of damages, inventory, equipment and be able to subsidize our staffing. (We love our staff and we don't want to let them go.) Insurance will most likely not cover the full value on some of the equipment and we want to provide the best quality product for our customers.
Please pray for us. We have faith that we will be able to return quickly and be better than ever. We thank you sincerely for ordering products from us and supporting this local business. Thank you for absolutely everything! Our commitment is to you! Thank you and we love you.
Come visit us in tempe we'd love to meet you! We don't take your support for granted. We will be making a fundraiser shirt very soon. So check out our website for more info!
Thinkpro.net or TenDollarShirtStore.com
The historical house that Think Phoenix was operating out of caught on fire at 5am on 8/24. This set back breaks our hearts as we have been a figure in the First Fridays areas for a long time now. We are big supporters of the art scene and the growth of downtown Phoenix.
We will not let this fire stop us. We will emerge from the ashes just as the Phoenix bird emerges from the ashes. We will find another great location and we are working with our wonderful landlords to move us into something.
We are saddened by this and we are still in operation in our Think Tempe homebase. The Phoenix operation's goals are to help garment printing and paper printing for the surrounding arts community and downtown. The office is in ashes and all the equipment is ruined. (Garment printers, digital printers, computers,etc)
We are trying to raise funds so that we can move next door in the Flowers building in the next 45 days and recouperate the costs of damages, inventory, equipment and be able to subsidize our staffing. (We love our staff and we don't want to let them go.) Insurance will most likely not cover the full value on some of the equipment and we want to provide the best quality product for our customers.
Please pray for us. We have faith that we will be able to return quickly and be better than ever. We thank you sincerely for ordering products from us and supporting this local business. Thank you for absolutely everything! Our commitment is to you! Thank you and we love you.
Come visit us in tempe we'd love to meet you! We don't take your support for granted. We will be making a fundraiser shirt very soon. So check out our website for more info!
Thinkpro.net or TenDollarShirtStore.com
Randy Phillips
Phoenix, AZ