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This is Howell We Roll

Spende geschützt
The Howell’s van was totaled last Wednesday. They were rear ended when the car behind them didn’t stop in time. Of course, the insurance company will only give them the Kelly blue book value of the van, and it won’t cover anything close to what they had. Friends, I ask these three things:

1.) Will  you join me in praying for this sweet family? Public transportation is not an option where they live, and they need to get to the store, doctor’s office, etc. 

2.)If you are willing, could you share this link? 

3.)And finally, if you feel like chipping in, please donate here.


  • Sara Merkle
    • $60
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sara Merkle
Katy, TX
Amy Howell

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