Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Three peaks Derian Dash

On the 10th and 11th of June, An intrepid team of adventurers will embark on the dreaded National three peak challenge.

So what is the challenge?

The National Three Peaks Challenge is an event where participants attempt to climb the highest mountains of England, Scotland, and Wales within 24 hours. The three peaks are Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, and Snowdon. The total walking distance is around 23-26 miles, and the total ascent is around 3000-3064 meters. The challenge is frequently used to raise money for charitable organizations

So we, at NIS LTD will be fundraising to raise funds and awareness for Derian house childrens hospice.


Ste Nicholls
Derian House Children's Hospice

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