In Memory of Timothy Han, for the benefit of the Han Family
Donation protected
This fund is in memory of Timothy Jaehyuk Han, who passed away on April 18th at the age of 24 surrounded by the loving prayers of family & friends. Donations will first be put towards medical, funeral, and burial expenses, with any remaining funds being gratefully used by the family to navigate this unexpected and tragic time.
Tim was a devoted son of Mr. and Mrs. Han, a caring brother to John and Daniel, and a thoughtful friend to many. From Bible study to student body politics, from the football field to the library, Tim was a cornerstone of community. Leaving his family at a young age to pursue his education in an unfamiliar corner of the United States, Tim went on to build an extraordinary legacy at Phillips Exeter Academy, intensely participating in student clubs and excelling in the classroom on his way to earning a Classical diploma. He co-founded Asian Voices, Exeter’s first Asian American student affinity club, and mentored his peers through the Exeter Business Club, Mock Trial, and Student Counsel, among many others. His leadership created spaces on campus for students to discover and explore their identities at a critical time in their young adult lives. He was proud to serve as an executive officer of the National Junior Classical League (NJCL), connecting with students across the country about their shared love for Classics. Away from the limelight, Tim quietly enriched the lives of his peers by sharing his appreciation for the written word. Keen to exercise his remarkable memory and oratory ability, Tim always appeared to have a relevant quote on hand, drawing from a well of knowledge that spanned stories of Roman generals, poems of 19th-century Romantics, speeches of '60s politicians on the campaign trail, and nearly everything in-between. As graduation approached, Tim’s outlook was exemplary. At Exeter, he sharpened his character and intellect with inspiration from the school’s Deed of Gift; with goodness and knowledge, he set out with noble intentions to alleviate injustices and better the circumstances of those in need. There may be no Exonian who took the essence of non-sibi closer to heart.
Tim’s next stop was Yale University, as a Jack Kent Cooke and Questbridge Scholar. He continued his tireless devotion to community, throwing himself into the university’s vibrant extracurricular organizations while maintaining his high academic standards. A graduate of the Class of 2023, Tim earned a degree in comparative literature and a certificate in Korean Language. Throughout his undergraduate career, Tim often expressed awe at the skills of his peers, humbly underplaying his own. Originally a member of the Class of 2022, Tim’s writing flourished in the first-year Directed Studies program, and can be seen published in the Yale Daily News, Yale Politic, and Yale Logos. Outside of the lecture hall, he reveled in the intrigues of the Yale Political Union, spending countless hours with fellow Conservative Party members as they forged bonds deep into the nights. An active member of Yale Christian Union and Christian life at Yale, Tim could dependably be found in one of New Haven’s many churches, never failing to nourish his faith amidst a demanding schedule. Tim served as a Head Tour Guide for two years and would often be found wearing his Yale Tour Guide scarf and sweater, proudly leading the group through the pandemic. Informed by his experiences at Silliman, Trumbull, and Morse Colleges, he ultimately served as a beloved FroCo (First-Year Counselor) to first-year students of Morse College in his final year, happy to give advice and share his vast knowledge of campus life. Yet somehow Tim still nurtured sincere relationships beyond these circles, leaving behind a sprawling network of friends of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and identities.
Away from campus, Tim gave his energy to political organizations, culminating in his role at the Renew Democracy Initiative, a non-partisan organization dedicated to defending constitutional principles. In the final two summers of his undergraduate career, Tim had the privilege of returning to South Korea, where he was able to reconnect with elders, relatives, and friends while studying through an intensive Korean language program at Sungkyunkwan University. Tim’s gratitude for these experiences drove him to excel in the next chapter of his life - he readily accepted that "to whom much is given, much is required" (Luke 12:48).
In September, Tim took the first steps of his young career at McKinsey & Co., based out of the firm’s Washington, D.C. offices. At McKinsey, Tim approached his work with the same intensity as his previous pursuits, learning from his coworkers on a daily basis. Tim considered his employment a privilege. Ever aware of his family’s journey, he was grateful for the opportunity to begin contributing to the financial welfare of his parents and brothers.
Tim devoted so much of himself to the communities he held dear. Speaking as his friend, I have the utmost confidence that those very same communities will rise to support his family through this unimaginable tragedy. He still had much to give; to his friends, to his schools, but most of all, to his family. Any support of his family will honor his aspirations to do so himself.
We sincerely thank you.
*This fundraiser was created by Tim’s friends with Mr. & Mrs. Han’s consent and all funds will be directly transmitted to the parents’ own account. If you are unable to give at this time, please consider sharing with your networks for the benefit of the Han family.*
Organizer and beneficiary

Andrew Atsalis
Ashburn, VA
Chang Hun Han