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Tim's $20

Spende geschützt

While visiting the homes recently, I was greeted by Tim, one of our residents. He was so eager to make a presentation to me that he couldn’t wait for me to take off my coat.  I listened while he carefully took out an envelope that said, “To Angels’ Place – From, Tim.” I opened the envelope and inside there was a $20 bill. He said he got some money recently and wanted to share it. “I love Angels’ Place” he said very proudly.  “I know we need it!”   

I couldn’t hold back the tears and gave him a big hug.

I don’t know if Tim has overheard our discussions lately about our funding cuts and how we will have to make up for them, or if he heard from families who are concerned about our future…but Tim wanted to share his windfall.  I was so moved by his selfless giving, his cheerful giving, that this $20 bill could have been one million dollars.

March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. During this month we raise awareness of the gifts and abilities of those we serve and we raise funds needed to provide this service. This March, I am asking you to match Tim’s $20. I want him to know he got the ball rolling on this. That his life and his gift makes an impact. Our March goal is $40,000 and we know we can get there one $20 bill at a time.

We ask you to please consider matching, doubling or tripling Tim’s $20 by making your gift today. We thank you in advance for your consideration. Know that we are always grateful and will do our best to be good stewards of your generous donations by providing care to those we serve in our twenty homes and non residential programs.

On behalf of Tim and all of our residents, we say thanks.



  • Stephanie Aube
    • $50
    • 8 yrs


Angels' Place
Southfield, MI

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