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Tina Elle FFS Recovery Fund

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Hello all, my name is Christina Elle Burke. I'm a 31-year-old PhD student studying film, continental philosophy, and trans feminism in London, Ontario. I came out as a trans woman just over a year and a half ago, in December 2018, and began HRT in March 2019. This year, despite the many hurdles, I have managed to prepare the next step in my transition.

On August 4th, I will be getting Facial Feminization Surgery at the Visage clinic in Toronto, Ontario. This is a procedure I have wanted since early on in my transition, and has been called essential for my gender identity and expression by my doctor. Fortunately, my parents, who have been supportive throughout my transition, have offered to allow me to borrow the money necessary for the procedure in order that it may go ahead ASAP, with the expectation that I will pay them back as I earn the money as a teaching assistant and/or with graduate student funding.

However, the costs  of surgery has proven more overwhelming than I expected to manage. In addition to the price of the procedure itself, regular trips to Toronto, and continuing to receive electrolysis in the weeks beforehand, and just the costs of living have begun to really affect me. My desktop computer broke down again a few weeks ago as well, which has only added to the stress (though I have replaced it, that does represent another cost). My parents, whose support again has been generous, are also not wealthy. My mother was a bank teller, and my stepfather was a factory worker, who was later moved into shipping and receiving. Their assistance has only been possible because of inheritance, investments, and the generous contributions they have willingly given from their pensions. This is in some ways as much for them as it is for me.

I have set the goal of this fund rather ambitiously at the cost of the surgery, which would allow me to pay back my parents in full and make enough to manage to my daily resources. If, by some miracle, the original goal is surpassed, I will, and am happy to, donate the extra to a trans mutual aid fund (probably GLITS).

I wish I had something to offer in exchange for your support. I have a medium blog where I have posted one article dealing with my FFS and that I will update with further articles as everything proceeds, you can check it out here: https://medium.com/@christinaelleburke 

If you're interested in my academic work, I have been on several episodes of the Theory and Philosophy podcast, namely the episodes regarding Gilles Deleuze's Cinema Books, and you can check those out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIq2xNjGAof0cCUaKbco6HQ 

Thank you so much for your support, whether that means donations or just spreading the word.


Christina Burke
London, ON

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