Donation protected
Hi I’m Tinslee mom and i have received hundreds of messages asking why i haven’t made a go fund me to support her i haven’t made a go fund me because people have been impersonating us . Tinslee is still current hospitalized and if you would like to donate to her needs or any expenses that may come up later on in the line such as getting things she will need to come home and even to get her things that will make her comfortable in the hospital etc.. or even if you would like to donate to her just because (i have received lots of message just wanting to donate to her) For those who don’t know her Tinslee was born with a rare heart defect and chronic lung disease she has been on the ventilator to help her breathe but has been breathing over and with the vent for months now we hope to get her home soon tinslee have been doing a lot better taking baby steps which is fine such as sitting in a chair a couple a hours a day and she even loves being read to and more I don’t want to say to much because i don’t want anyone else trying to use information about her to get money my Facebook page is Trinity Keaun if you don’t see this link in my bio DO NOT DONATE IT IS NOT ME Thank you tinslee is now home
Trinity Lewis
Fort Worth, TX