Tiny house for a homeless man
Hello, my name is Rob and my goal is to raise enough money to buy this broken down brick relic of a building and recover from homelessness.
About 12 years ago the mortgage industry, the banks and eventually the entire US real estate crash of 2005 forced me into bankruptcy.
The value of the three. rental properties I had purchased in 2004 for $750,000 , was in one month
reduced to 250,000.
I purchased them because a predatory lender Countrywide Morgage loaned me 105 percent of the money to buy them.
I thought that was wierd because I had no job and no bank account and no credit cards. Apparently that didn't matter.
Everybody knows what happened to them. Bank of America eventually took over their debt and tried to auction off the home I paid 100,000 for that they ripped out from under me and couldn't get 25,000 for it. They ended up pushing it into the hole it was built over.
Along with that crash came a huge recession in central New Hampshire,. This led to all of my existing renters. losing jobs and the rents stopped coming in.
Needless to say even though I spent six months creating workouts for six mortgages, three adjustable first morgages with countrywide loans at ten percent, + three second morgages also originating with Countrywide at even higher rates, I was sunk.
I quickly depleated any assets I had and was left with no other choice but to seek relief from the US bankruptcy court in New Hampshire.
In 2007 I was granted my bankruptcy and the bank took back the three properties, liquidated my assets, and with that action I became homeless.
So here I am living in a borrowed RV in New England in the middle of the winter 12 years later and I thought I,d try it all again.
After 10 years of moping around homeless feeling sorry for the mistakes I'd made, I,d try and buy a tiny house to park the old RV and hang my hat indoors for a while.
I tried working on my credit score but with the Bankrupcy and the condition of my proposed tiny house I,m kinda in a cash only spot here.
I know It,s a lot to hope for and maybe even a pipe dream but I had to try one more time before I give up on owning another place to call home.
I'm going to make an offer on this tiny house and I'm hoping that some compassionate caring enlightened individuals, who may remember what that crash did to people like me, will see it in their hearts to give me a little help.
I'm going to rebuild my tiny little brick relic with recycled building materials and help from a couple good friends who are capable of helping me put this place back together.
When I'm done I'll be stable to extend my hand to others still struggling with homelessness and give back whatever I can.
I'll be posting often and BuddyWalker My best pal and roomate waiting on the tiny house, will be posting too.
Buddy's a little rough around the edges being a dog and all but he can get the point across just fine.
Wish us luck and we thank you all, for any likes, love, shares and retweets that may be able to help us up a bit.
Buddy and I are real easy to find as you can see below.
Again, we both give our deepest heartfelt thanks.
Rob VanNorden
dreamakerswork on twitter
Rob VanNorden on Facebook
Buddy Walker aka. LL Cool Bud on Facebook
Tiny House for a homeless dog