Travel Funds for Competition
We are Titan Rover, a multidisciplinary team of over 40 engineers and scientists at Cal State Fullerton striving to compete in an international competition for the second straight year. The competition, called the University Rover Challenge, is hosted by the Mars Society and Protocase and is conducted annually at the Mars Desert Research Station in Hanksville, UT. The mission is to create a robotic device capable of assisting the first astronauts that arrive on Mars. The Rover would thus need to traverse a rough terrain and allow astronauts to accomplish tasks and collect scientific data from an enclosed habitat. For more information about the Mars Society and the URC visit: urc.marssociety.org. Our team not only builds a competition-level robotic device, we exist also as a home for talented individuals to develop skills necessary to contribute immediately to the workforce upon graduation. Through a series of workshops and STEM outreach events we strive to develop the next generation of engineers and scientists of all ages and skill levels. Your contribution helps ensure that we can continue to provide a positive impact on the community and help bring international prestige to our region by developing our ideas into an award winning Rover for the 2017 competition. Your contributions now will help fund our initial development phase: design and prototyping. In order to begin our design we require a set of four motors to drive our Rover. Mechanical design requires building around available components so we must have the motors to select tires and design our suspension. These would be used for both the prototype and the final product so they are an essential component to our success. We also have several STEM outreach events in the coming months. We will be giving robotics demonstrations to the local Girl Scouts and local elementary and high schools. For a detailed calendar of our upcoming events, deadlines, and milestones go to: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=titanrovercsuf%40gmail.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/titanrover. Add Titan_Rover on Snapchat. Follow us on Instagram at instagram.com/titanrover.