Help Sama's Family Escape the War
Donation protected
*I am Sama Hassouneh. I have a son named Arkan and a daughter named Noor. The two are very dear to each other and they are of tender age.
However, due to the difficult circumstances and the unjust, ruthless war, there is no education, no shelter, no life, no food. ️
I had my own work and a wonderful source of income that used to feed my husband and I, and we had our dignified life.
Therefore, we hope that you will assist us by donating $5 or any amount you wish, to help us get out of this war as soon as possible, before we suffer the loss of our loved ones, so that we can live the life we wanted and lived before October 7th.
The donation link is in your hands, please help us.*
sama mohammed
Corning, CA