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Funeral Cost and Family Expenses

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBYIV6pG6xc Please help raise funds for the  funeral of Djiby and his Family. Early morning on Wednesday August 05th the Senegalese-Mauritania community in Denver woke up to tragic news. Djibril Diol, aka Djiby had passed away in a tragic house fire. Djiby, his wife, his sister, his daughter and his niece all passed away.  Djiby a cared for his family, his brothers and parents. Djiby a young man with a promising future in Civil Engineering has left behind a community that he so deeply loved and cared for. We are saddened by the loss of a loving Dad, a nurturing husband, and a caring brother to all of us.  Please help the family with the cost of sending the bodies back homes for a proper burial.

Spendenteam: Ousman Ba (2)

Dieng Amadu
Denver, CO
Moussa Diol
Ousman Ba
Team member

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