Annual Trans Surgery-Procedure Scholarship Fund
Tax deductible
Every day transgender and nonbinary people face extreme barriers when it comes to accessing the medical care they need.
Want to support this vulnerable community and join me in making a life saving difference?
We are currently raising money to benefit Aadya Rising’s annual Trans Surgery/Procedure Fund. Any donation no matter how big or small will help us make a direct impact yearly for a trans person(s) in need. Each year we aim to raise at least $3,000 to be awarded to trans people in need. Winner(s) are selected and funds awarded yearly at the end of November after Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Aadya Rising is one of only a handful of organizations that provides financial assistance for those seeking gender affirming procedures in the US. But, we couldn’t do it without community support and mutual aid via fundraising campaigns like this one. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to so many.
More information about Aadya Rising Inc: Aadya Rising is an LGBTQIA2+ focused and led nonprofit established in 2020. Aadya’s missing is to seek out and fill the gaps for at-risk and marginalized individuals from within the community. Aadya promotes community, compassion, & inclusion. Our focus is to provide sexuality and gender-affirming assistance to all those in need in the broader LGBTQIA2+ community.
The term "Aadya" means original source in Sanskrit. True to the name, we seek to provide a one-stop spot of support and resources to the community through our three main action pillars: support groups, LGBTQIA2*+ education, and financial assistance for those seeking gender affirming procedures.
A percent of this campaign will go to general funds for Aadya Rising to maintain our online presence, while the remainder will be designated towards our annual Trans Surgery/Procedure Fund that is awarded yearly in November.
Every share and donation helps and goes directly back to the community in an impactful and life-saving way.
Campaign Started by: Skyler Jay

Skyler Jay
Athens, GA
Aadya Rising Inc