Bellas fund
This is Bella, Bella is a 3year old girl from clondalkin. Bellas mam Pamela had some complications during her birth witch then left Bella with a sever form of Cerebral palsy.
since then Bella has spent most of her little life in hospital been through more operations than we can even count she go’s through a lot of pain on a daily bases Bella is on multiple medications for this she is also peg fed she has tubes and drainage bags permanently hanging from her body just for her to survive Bella can’t walk or talk she has no mobility her mam and dad have had to carry her for the past 3 years as she couldn’t even sit in a buggy because of how badly her mussle tone is effected she has just recently got her special wheele chair made to fit her body
iv made this page to try help keith core and pamela brogan which are bellas parents as they need an extension built on their house for Bella witch is costing 120 thousand euro with all the special Equipment needed for Bella also they have 2 other children with Cystic fibrosis and there hole house is full with medical Equipment for there 3 children
i Know the Community come together when someone is in need and I hope we can all help this gorgeous baby girl out withwhat she needs to have a better quality of life
thank you everyone