Veteran's Cancer Fight
The beginning of the journey...
After spending his entire adult life unselfishly giving and sacrificing for others; first in the military protecting those who couldn't protect themselves (which involved doing things necessitating life long anonymity), and then as the primary caregiver to his wife as they sold their home, and belongings from a lifetime, only to watch helplessly as she ultimately lost her fifteen year battle with breast cancer. Months and months later, he met someone whose heart was battered as his own, and filled with dreams as big as his. He began to see life is in living it and they began to plan a wondrous adventure of a lifetime. Plans for their adventure filled their conversations.
The excitement was building as the anticipation of reaching out and grabbing hold of a dream finally within reach became more real each day. Planning the drive, the wonder growing with every word at the thought seeing things so few had ever seen. Laughing like children. Setting the scene for silliness. They pictured the sunny days on the beach, welcoming the sunrise as Grieg's "Peer Gynt-Morning Mood" filled the air and finding gifts from the sea along their treks like Mother Nature's treasure hunt. Silliness neither had gotten to dust off and enjoy for decades. Each day their laughter cleansing and invigorating. Each day their plans taking shape. Each day the dream drawing closer...
Then the mail came. Stage 4 Melanoma the report said. Be at the hospital November 7th for extensive tests and the first surgery and treatment plan. Be prepared to pay your deductibles and copayments for whatever they decide needs doing, in advance. Goodbye to the savings he'd managed to put away over the last year in order to buy a small used caravan (RV) to live in. The world crashing around him; he faced this menace with no clear enemy, no intell for operational planning; just stark words on a piece of paper.
Different facilities providing differing specialized treatments means traveling long distances and staying as long as the treatments require, and you're on your own for that; overnight stays out of hospital aren't covered for treatment. Hotels, meals, fuel, Sophie the dog, would have to be kennelled. More expenses. And if all of the latest treatments or drugs aren't completely covered (they rarely are and can cost thousands per month)? What then? Would the fight be lost because a treatment or trip was out of reach financially? Would a choice between one or the other be faced? Would viable alternatives be out of reach?
So, the wondrous adventure has taken a backseat, now it's time that he is able to focus on this battle and; well, they're neither of them quitters and they're not about to start now.
Why should you help? Because no one on the planet can avoid being touched by cancer. It is not a respector of gender, race, finances, religion, or education. It is an enemy to us all. Because this war can be won, one battle at a time. Because positive begets positive exponentially. Because giving changes the lives of two people with one action. Because helping someone opens your spirit to goodness. Because sharing a load multiplies the effectiveness of each participant. Because there are still mysteries within the Universe. Because miracles do happen. Because it is a good and decent thing to do. Interiorem pacem.
How can you help? Donate to the fund so no treatments are out of reach, no stone unturned in the fight. Share the story. Reach out to your civic organizations, your business contacts, your churches, and your friends and family. Be an active participant in life. Be an active participant in this fight.
No one should face this alone or in the company of strangers and worried about finances. Especially a veteran who sacrificed years of his life for his country, family and many others who don't even know his name. Please do what you can with our profound gratitude.
Peace and blessings to y'all.
PS - Please respect the privacy of this veteran, even if you think you know who it is. Any information that can be made public, has been made public. You may always private message or email if you have any questions. Thank you.