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To be able to help in Mazatlan, Mexico

Donación protegida
Dear Friends and Family and Other.
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share with you about an exciting time that I am looking forward to. I will be taking part in a GO team trip with Grace Church to Mazatlan, Mexico this July. Our team will be partnering with Shoulder and Shoulder and spending time encouraging, empowering and equipping the local people. We hope to build relationships, and to bring them the hope that we have found through a personal relationship with Christ.
While God challenges us to develop a greater heart of compassion for His people around the world, the exciting part is that you can help to share in this compassion in two different ways. First, you can join us in prayer. We need prayer for wisdom as we seek to meet the people’s needs in another culture, and also for safety as we travel.
Second, we also need prayers that our financial needs will be met. I am needing to raise $2200. If you would like to support my trip financially all funds will be due on July 1st .
“Checks should be made payable to Grace Church with the Trip Destination in the memo line and sent to Grace Church, c/o Missions Manager 211 N. Cleveland Massillon Rd. Akron, OH 44333. Donations made for the benefit of a mission trip are tax-deductible. Donations recommending a specific individual can be accepted, but Grace Church maintains control over the ultimate determination of how all donated funds are allocated. Grace Church will try to honor the contribution recommendation,
but contributions become the property of Grace Church and it has the discretion to determine how best to use these contributions to carry out its functions and purposes.”
Your donation will greatly benefit the team as it helps all of us as team members to work, share, and care for the people together.
Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through prayer, or both, all of your support is greatly appreciated. We look forward to doing God’s work in Mazatlan and informing you about how God has worked through this team when we return.
In Christ,
Eli Bogue


Elias Bogue
Medina, OH

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