To build tiny houses for the homeless
Our group Houses For Homeless is partnering with the Low Income Housing Institute to build tiny houses for the tiny house villages that LIHI is developing and operating.
Tiny houses offer tremendous benefits over tents – they are safe, weatherproof, and lockable – and the communities that we help build allow residents to reclaim their dignity and get on a path to housing in a supportive village environment.
Each tiny house has electricity, overhead light, and a heater. Each tiny house village has kitchen and restroom facilities, onsite showers and laundry, a counseling office, and a welcome/security hut where donations of food, clothing, and hygiene items can be dropped off.
With COVID raging, shelters are becoming more and more unsafe and it’s never been more important for people to have their own safe space. How are people supposed to lockdown in their own homes if they don’t have one?
We can build each tiny house for approximately $3,000. Our goal is to build 30 houses or the the equivalent of one average size village per year (although the houses may end up spread among multiple villages).
Donations are tax deductible and will go strait to the Low Income Housing Institute who will supply us with the materials to build.
Learn more at:
Low Income Housing Institute