To help Kevin & Anthony keep their job at project 43
Tax deductible
Hello To All Of God’s People
This is a request for help to create an income for participants working at the project 43.
We have two participants (workers) who are hired though a program (Anthony Taylor) & (Kevin Wyrick) to work at project 43 , their participation has been indispensable to project 43 but there program funding has run out we well lose these two workers without funding to keep them working.
Project 43 ( Community & Reliance) feeds on clothes the community in needy people thought out the Covid pandemic to date we have feed in clothed 200,000 people. Please help us continue our mission of serving the community and beyond. And keep our special needs employees working. So they can feel like part of the community with normal lives thank you in advance

Amerylus Cooper
Los Angeles, CA
Project 43 Team Post Centers