Tobi’s New Wheels!
PD: A photo of Tobi's face with his eyes wide looking at the camera.
PD: A photo of Tobi sitting on his back legs and looking towards the camera. There is a toy rabbit in front of him.
Tobi is a 5-year-old Mini-Australian Shepherd who was born without his front legs. He is missing two ribs and his organs are compressed, and he also has degenerative disk disease from walking on his back legs. Make no mistake, he lives a happy life and is just like any other dog. He steals our food if we leave it within reach, destroys toys, and barks whenever anyone knocks on the door.
In 2018, I adopted Tobi from The Humane Society of North Texas. Since then, he has served as my pet, visited my students in the classroom and made deep connections with them, and is now serving as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) for one of his owners.
The Humane Society fitted him with a cart from Eddie's Wheels, but the cart is not customized to his body and he needs something to give him a little more support and help keep his back from rouching.
We are working with Derrick Campana (Instagram @BionicPets) to create a custom cart to support Tobi. This fundraiser will cover the cost of a custom cart fitted exactly to Tobi's body as well as the fittings, the materials to make the cart, and a brace that he can wear while at home to protect his arm nubs from damage while he bounces around the house (See pictures below). Tobi has already been casted for the device and production can begin as soon as we've raised the funds. Both devices will drastically improve his quality of life and help him to avoid any further deterioration of spinal fluid.
PD: A photo of a black dog with pointy ears wearing a brace on theback part of his body with a large bouncy end.
PD: A photo of a cart similar to the one Tobi will be getting with a camp green body cast and large back wheels.
We are so grateful for any help and support you can provide! Thanks so much for considering! PD: Paige, Tobi, and Rob standing outside in front of a lake.
Thank you!
Paige, Rob, and Tobi