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College Tuition

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My name is Toluwalase Ajomale; I am 20-years old turning 21 in July.  My story may sound typical, but please bear with me.  My family and I have been going through many difficult hurdles this life has to offer.  I am trying my possible best to help my mother out with this heavy burden she happens to be carrying by herself.

Before getting into my solicitation, it is necessary to give a little background about myself.  My family and I migrated to United States of America in 2003 for the hope of greener pasture.  Unfortunately, I do not have the necessary documents to live in this country.  I went through my elementary and secondary education with hope of getting a scholarship for higher education after graduation.  I was in Honor Roll throughout High School and even maintained a 4.0-GPA during my senior year.  I was part of Student Government Association (SGA) and African Students Association (ASA).  I strongly believe that I did what was necessary to qualify me for college scholarships; that is, excellent transcript, extracurricular activities, and excellent references.  However, my dream was short lived because I did not fit the requirements (US Citizen/Permanent Resident) to even apply for all these available funds to further my education.

After graduating from high school in 2014, the feeling of hopelessness for the future dampened me, but my resilient spirit would not let me give up.  I proceeded to Community College because that was all I was able to afford.  In the meantime, I continued to apply for scholarships, grants, and loans, but it was one denial letter after another.

Luckily, a bright light came in my darkest moment.  I was qualified for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) that was put in place by President Obama.  It may seem like nothing, but it was a huge deal to my family and me.  DACA means that I would be able to attend college and pay IN-State tuition.  Did I mention that I had to pay International Student fee at the Community College I was attending?  For a minute I became hopeful again.

I decided to take more than 6-credits each semester so that I can complete my Associates Degree in a timely manner.  But again, the burden became even more evident on my mom.  Along the way, my mom became ill and I had to take on more responsibilities in order to help lessen the burden of raising four children alone.  I helped to pay more bills at home in addition to my tuition.  I was struggling hard juggling between two jobs, maintaining good grades in school, and fully participating in church; yet, I felt like I was in the best place/state I could ever be. 

Unfortunately, like things were not bad enough, I lost both jobs due to budget cuts! Now I am back to where I began, that hopeless hole!

I created this in hopes to raise enough money for part of my school education until I get back on me feet.
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  • Anonyme
    • $3,000 (don hors ligne)
    • 7 yrs
Faire un don


Tolu Ajomale
Laurel, MD

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