Toni Pettet Funeral Fund
Hello, my name is Amy Pettet. I am starting this to help my Nephew Andrew Pettet raise money to pay for his Mother's funeral. His mother Toni Lynn Pettet, was a 58 year old single woman, like too many, she did not have life insurance. Toni grew up in Millersport, Ohio where she also graduated High School in 1981. She worked hard her whole adult life. She passed unexpectedly on August 9th 2021. Andrew is a young man with a young family, 2 daughters ages 2 and 4. His youngest, having Cystic Fibrosis. So as many of you know, coming up with enough money for a funeral could crush this young family. I beg anyone reading this to please help. Even if it is only a dollar, it all adds up. Thank you ever so much in advance.https://www.rutherfordfuneralhomes.com/obituaries/Toni-Pettet/#!/Obituary