Toni Williams
I met Toni two years ago when I started at Amazon. She was one of the very first people I met and worked with. From day one, I found out how incredibly passionate and hardworking this woman is. Not only does she go above and beyond every single day at work, she also does it while suffering from type 2 stomach cancer. Every couple of weeks she has chemo and then comes to work as soon as she is done. The chemo causes her to have seizures, and she has the sezures while she is at work. After she recooperates, she goes straight back to work and finishes the day out- every single time after every single seziure. She has inspired me and motivated me more than I could ever put into words. This woman is someone anyone could look up to. A couple of years ago her husband moved out and left her alone with her children in their home. She did not let that stop her, though, and she just kept on working. Recently, she decided that she could not keep on paying for her house due to financial reasons so she decided to put it on the market. In order for her to do that, she had to reinstall windows, replace her carpet, redo her grout, and get her house up to par. With only two weeks left for her house to actually be put on the market, two nights ago, her air conditioning unit went out. She had the repairmen come out yesterday to have it fixed, only to find out that they stopped making the unit that she has- and that it would be 8,000 dollars to replace. To my surprise, she has stayed more calm than I would have ever been able to saying that she knows God has a plan and that it will all work out. Well, God put it on my heart to start this Go Fund Me account because I know that with a little bit of help from everyone, we can help her get this figured out. For someone to go through every single thing that she does and to continue to work hard and be a good woman and mother, I figure that this is the least that we could do. Any amount is more than enough, and I cannot begin to express how much this will mean to her. If you absolutely cannot afford a dime, that is okay- but maybe you know someone that can so please share this.
God bless you all.