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Oral Hygiene for Homeless Youth of Toronto

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We are TorontoTooth and we need your help in bringing awareness to the injustices experienced by the homeless youth of Toronto when it comes to accessing basic oral hygiene.

The homeless community of Toronto have the worst oral health
status compared to every other population in this city, because they do not have proper access to oral hygiene products or dental care. This is especially an issue during the COVID-19 pandemic when most supply donations to homeless shelters are focused on sanitary products like masks and surface cleaners. 

TorontoTooth is a nonprofit group supported by Calumet and Stong Colleges at York University as an Agents of Change project. The aim of our project is to provide oral hygiene products such as toothbrushes and toothpastes to the homeless youth community in shelters across Toronto, to fight against the income-related injustices in oral health. 

Poor oral health is strongly related to a variety of serious diseases such as cardiovascular disease, infectious illnesses, and even COVID-19. It has also been recorded that poor oral hygiene prevents almost 30% of lower-income young adults from receiving job offers in interviews, and can prevent the homeless community from earning a sustainable income to acquire proper residence.

With a donation of even $1, you can help us provide the younger generation of the homeless community with the oral health that they deserve. 

Would you like to learn more about our cause and help us in raising awareness about the income-related inequalities in oral health care? Visit and share our website and platforms with friends and family members: 

Our website 
Our Instagram 
Our TikTok 
Our Twitter 

Thank you in advance for your contribution to the vulnerable homeless community and the health of our city!


Toronto Tooth
Toronto, ON

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