Towards an Inclusive New Normal
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My name is Sally, I've been a visibly disabled person most of my life and these days I use a wheelchair. Yet to date I've had a varied career, as CEO of third sector organisations, in academia, as Chair of independent government advisory bodies and senior civil servant. When Covid came, I acquired a new 'impairment' in the form of very high risk of what my GP calls a 'poor outcome' should I catch it.
Last year, as protections were increasingly withdrawn, I was trying to come to terms with the prospect of never being able to leave my house safely again. I was getting very despondent. So I started thinking about what could make a difference. Drawing on my networks and research knowledge, I started pulling together all the learning I could find on action being taken to prevent transmission and build resilience. I was amazed at how much was happening across the world - and how little UK Governments were doing, or even telling anyone. A lot of the learning, such as an clean air technology, had wider application too, e.g. to pollution, wildfire smoke, hayfever, etc. Online platforms has enabled new ways of connecting, working, forming communities, globally and locally. Yet they weren't joining the dots.
Meanwhile people still at high risk continue to suffer terribly and the numbers of formerly health people with long-term post-infection damage, including long Covid, continue to increase. This is having a detrimental impact on the economy and workforces, education, and health and social care services. Yet, we now have the tools to maximise everyone's safety and freedom. I don't think we've begun to explore the potential of some of them to open up inclusion and improve health, in many different, realistic ways.
So I started campaigning for an 'Inclusive New Normal' and got a lot of support, some media coverage and meetings with a government Minister and officials. Now I want to take it to the next level by setting up a new social enterprise called 'Inclusive New Normal', to promote, further develop and facilitate the application of learning arising through the pandemic, and amplify the work of organisations with aligned goals. I was delighted to get a small award of start-up funds from an organisation called Firstport, but I now need to raise more to fully set up, get a multi-functional accessible website in place, and identified projects underway, for example on inclusive hybrid events.
I know times are hard but every little really would help. So if you do find a few coins down the back of the sofa and can spare them, then thank you very much indeed!
Living with Covid does not have to mean accepting a new normal of repeated illness, with reinfection bringing increased risks of life-changing disability. It doesn't have to mean brushing valuable learning under the carpet. Put simply, it doesn't have to be this way. A safe, inclusive new normal is possible.
Thank you so much for your support.
Sally Witcher