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Resident Assistant might lose job!

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Hello all,

My name is Saydu Paye and I’m currently a junior at Towson University and was appointed to a Resident Assistant position. Things are about to become different for me since I am transitioning from being a commuter to a resident. To make an impact to my community and become an ambassador for my university, I am really striving to keep his position secured for the upcoming year. The dilemma is that my family overseas in Liberia, a small west African country, demand so much financial support from me and it leads me to be in binds. My family has been working hard over the years to build a STEM school for the local children in the communities in Liberia that most of my family there are in. These kids struggle to receive proper education and I want to have a school where these kids feel like they can dream big and work hard to become the future doctors, technicians, scientists and whatever other occupations they can think of! That’s my biggest dream, to inspire the youth to be a better person than I am. We have also been working on building business complexes to help generate revenue for the local people as things on their end are way different than in America. As a result, I have been working endlessly to provide for the people back in Liberia  and give whatever money I can to buy materials for construction, pay for legal fees and compensate our hard workers while trying to balance out all of my expenses to cover personal expenses such as my tuition and so on. Furthermore, in August, I need to cover my balance for this position and I am scared over the pending situation as I am not near my financial goal for the summer. Any donation to help me would be a great impact as I am working on creating a positive change for my communities in the Baltimore & Towson area and overseas in Liberia. 

Thanks for listening and hopefully there are some people who can support!


Saydu Paye
Edgemere, MD

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