It is possibly the worst week of a very tough year to ask for financial support. I'm doing to to help a young mother of three
small children. Terri Grosser, 39, has malignant melanoma. She's had 19 tumours removed so far, five major operations in four years, invasive surgical procedures to remove lymph nodes, multiple stage 4 bowel tumours, hernia, lymphedema causing constant swelling of her leg, colonoscopies, endoscopies, MRIs, ultrasounds, PET and CT scans (to which she has a severe allergic reaction) and multiple blood tests and cannulations – this has been Terri Grosser’s life since July 2016.
The severe financial and emotional stress of the past four years means that they urgently need support.
Terri, 39, husband Brian 38, and children Fletcher,8, Imogen, 7 and Bashy, 6 live in Mt Isa, a rural and remote North West
Queensland town. Brian is a shift worker which makes it a real challenge to find time to care for the children, look
after Terri when she is not in hospital, and grab a few hours sleep. Many of Terri’s medical procedures take place in Townsville (over 800kms away). This means several long, journeys back and forth. It is extremely tiring, very costly and emotionally and physically draining.
Between surgical procedures, Terri’s body was infused with aggressive cancer drug therapies trying to reduce the tumours. This treatment gave the family hope as it worked for a two-year period. Unfortunately, the medication is no longer managing the cancer and Terri has commenced two new immunotherapy drugs. These medications have the potential to cause severe and
debilitating side effects to Terri, and in turn, her family.
Terri is the bravest woman I know. Despite continual setbacks, surgery, fatigue, diarrhoea, aching joints, anxiety and mental health issue she manages to smile and hope She worries constantly about her much loved husband and children who were aged only 2 ,3 and 4 years old when Terri’s medical nightmare began. Her little ones have been deprived of much simply
because Terri has so often been hospitalised or so ill she was not able to be with them as she so wanted to be.
Her mother Isla, a lovely, caring school friend I’ve known for 50 years, and her Dad are so supportive and have done everything possible for Terri and her young family since that tiny mole was diagnosed as a malignant melanoma in 2016.
How you can help: It is impossible to put in words how much Terri needs your help. The continual expenses have absolutely drained this beautiful family. Previously a working mother, Terri is now medically unable to work. Brian ha exhausted all his sick leave taking Terri to Townsville or being at home with her when she has been far too ill to cope alone. The cost of living has become increasingly difficult to manage as Terri’s condition has become more complex and worrying.
So many medications (some quite expensive but necessary), essential car hire and taxis when away from home for medical reasons, hire of Terri’s lymphedema compression pump, general household expenses like food, electricity etc, paying off a mortgage to keep a roof over their heads, the cost of schooling the children, and counselling services for the young family are just some of the financial pressures.
Mere words cannot describe the devastating rollercoaster of events that have hit Terri and her family since early 2016. The physical changes Terri has experienced throughout her journey are challenging enough, however, added to this is extreme anxiety, fear and the constant thought of terminal cancer.
She worries about how she can fix things or make them better for her husband and three children so that their lives will be easier when she dies. It is a massive emotional and physical struggle for this beautiful, sensitive young woman. Although she rationally knows her condition is not her fault, she can’t help feeling guilty that the melanoma is not only depriving her of quality life but is heart breaking for her family too.
Terri would like to share with you some important facts about melanoma.
Australia has the highest rate of melanoma in the world and it is known as
“Australia’s National Cancer”. It is expected that one Australian will be diagnosed with melanoma every half an hour and one Australian dies every five hours.
Melanoma is the largest cancer killer of Australians aged 15 – 39.
90% of melanomas can be cured by surgery through early detection.
Please do not let this be you. Melanoma has severely impacted my life and family. Get your skin check done as soon as possible. Early detection is truly the best defence against this horrific cancer.
Terri would appreciate any support you can give. If you want to ask further
questions of me (Jann), or of Terri, please send me an email at this address:
[email redacted]
One last thing, please forward this message to anyone you think might support this genuine call for help. That would be so much appreciated.
Thank so much, Jann