Tracy Terrell Cancer Fund
Donation protected
It was an early morning for Tracy when he first discovered the small lump on the left side of his neck. Most mornings, Tracy is out the door by 6, trying to avoid the daily traffic rush into Atlanta. He always kisses us both goodbye, before he journeys down I-85, past the perimeter, to Lakeside High School.
He's been teaching there now for over 3 years, and I love hearing the stories he brings home everyday. He teaches science- Physics has always been his favorite. Trust me-- he can go on for hours and hours talking about it.
He enjoys getting to know all of his students amd makes learning engaging and fun!
It wasn't until the lump started to grow quickly into the size of a golf ball that Tracy finally shared with me that he was worried. Tracy, as most of you know, is a man of many words... except when it comes to himself. He always puts others first and complains seldomly about anything. When he finally showed me the lump, tears swelled in his eyes and immediately I knew he was scared.
Between the time of finding the first lump until now has been a roller coaster. Initial appointments, a CT scan, waiting and uncertainty, then a PET scan, more waiting...uncertainty...then a FNA biopsy, more waiting ... the ups and downs have thrown us all for loop after loop after loop.
And now we have some answers. We spoke with his doctor today and were delivered the much awaited, but much feared news. Tracy has throat cancer.
They identified these cells in his lymph nodes, but have not identified a "primary site," or origination, of where the cancer started. We will meet with his doctor after Christmas to discuss his treatment options. We are staying positive and thankful that the cancer has not spread beyond the lymph nodes in his neck. When we know more about what treatment will involve, we will update everyone.
Our journey to this point, I am sure, is just the beginning.
We have had bouts of panic, fear, anger, sadness. We have cried.
What do we do? What do we say? Who do we tell? When do we break? When do we scream? Who do we turn to? The ups and downs were terrifying. But we always held on to each other... never let go. We prayed for God's mercy and we prayed for him to provide peace and calmness. And in our praying, we realized God gives us miracles everyday. Even in the smallest forms. Miracles come in the kindness and warmth of the people all around us. Everyday. Prayers for healing from everyone we know, and those we don't. He gives us light in darkened doorways, signs of warmth in the coldest of places. He will provide all our needs- all of them.
We are trusting that our needs will be met and that God will not bring us through something without providing for us: emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially.
Our most terrifying fear has been telling our daughter, Tricia. How do you break such news? How do you buffer her from a world she shouldn't know? She should have never been on this ride to begin with... but she is coping. In her own little way.
Being a parent is hard. But being a parent through this is agony. I have watched Tracy change over the past few weeks. Every moment he spends with Tricia and Tyler is so involved and engaged. It's like he wants to capture every second in a bottle. He worries about Tyler, and how this will affect him. He's always adored them both, but I think now, he's breathing in every moment more deeply. Every second counts.
That's where we are. With every second, every minute, every hour of every day... counting our blessings... not wasting away the time, but finding the grace and beauty in every second.
With all of this said, Tracy is in for a tough go ahead. We all are. He's going to be out of work for awhile for treatment, and that means limited income and major expenses. We are praying that all of this can be done within the FMLA time limit and that he will be able to return to his job in the fall.
In the mean time, our family is in great need of support. So, we are asking for miracles. Please forward and share this with anyone you know. We thank you for all your love, care, kindness, support, faith, hope, and joy that will continue to help us through this journey!!
With love,
The Terrells
He's been teaching there now for over 3 years, and I love hearing the stories he brings home everyday. He teaches science- Physics has always been his favorite. Trust me-- he can go on for hours and hours talking about it.
He enjoys getting to know all of his students amd makes learning engaging and fun!
It wasn't until the lump started to grow quickly into the size of a golf ball that Tracy finally shared with me that he was worried. Tracy, as most of you know, is a man of many words... except when it comes to himself. He always puts others first and complains seldomly about anything. When he finally showed me the lump, tears swelled in his eyes and immediately I knew he was scared.
Between the time of finding the first lump until now has been a roller coaster. Initial appointments, a CT scan, waiting and uncertainty, then a PET scan, more waiting...uncertainty...then a FNA biopsy, more waiting ... the ups and downs have thrown us all for loop after loop after loop.
And now we have some answers. We spoke with his doctor today and were delivered the much awaited, but much feared news. Tracy has throat cancer.
They identified these cells in his lymph nodes, but have not identified a "primary site," or origination, of where the cancer started. We will meet with his doctor after Christmas to discuss his treatment options. We are staying positive and thankful that the cancer has not spread beyond the lymph nodes in his neck. When we know more about what treatment will involve, we will update everyone.
Our journey to this point, I am sure, is just the beginning.
We have had bouts of panic, fear, anger, sadness. We have cried.
What do we do? What do we say? Who do we tell? When do we break? When do we scream? Who do we turn to? The ups and downs were terrifying. But we always held on to each other... never let go. We prayed for God's mercy and we prayed for him to provide peace and calmness. And in our praying, we realized God gives us miracles everyday. Even in the smallest forms. Miracles come in the kindness and warmth of the people all around us. Everyday. Prayers for healing from everyone we know, and those we don't. He gives us light in darkened doorways, signs of warmth in the coldest of places. He will provide all our needs- all of them.
We are trusting that our needs will be met and that God will not bring us through something without providing for us: emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially.
Our most terrifying fear has been telling our daughter, Tricia. How do you break such news? How do you buffer her from a world she shouldn't know? She should have never been on this ride to begin with... but she is coping. In her own little way.
Being a parent is hard. But being a parent through this is agony. I have watched Tracy change over the past few weeks. Every moment he spends with Tricia and Tyler is so involved and engaged. It's like he wants to capture every second in a bottle. He worries about Tyler, and how this will affect him. He's always adored them both, but I think now, he's breathing in every moment more deeply. Every second counts.
That's where we are. With every second, every minute, every hour of every day... counting our blessings... not wasting away the time, but finding the grace and beauty in every second.
With all of this said, Tracy is in for a tough go ahead. We all are. He's going to be out of work for awhile for treatment, and that means limited income and major expenses. We are praying that all of this can be done within the FMLA time limit and that he will be able to return to his job in the fall.
In the mean time, our family is in great need of support. So, we are asking for miracles. Please forward and share this with anyone you know. We thank you for all your love, care, kindness, support, faith, hope, and joy that will continue to help us through this journey!!
With love,
The Terrells
Andrea Renee Goodman Terrell
Braselton, GA