Tragic accidental death - 5 month old Mia
On the 25th of February 2021, Mia, the daughter of Jacob and Simone was brought into this world. Everything about Mia was perfect from her head full of hair, to her tiny little nose and her little long toes. Mia’s arrival made Jacob and Simone’s lives complete, they constantly doted over her, showered her with love, and shared her for all their loved ones to adore.
Beautiful she was, and loved by all who got to meet her. The joy Mia brought to all of our lives cannot be described in words, but is certainly felt in all of our hearts.
On 8 August 2021 this horrible world dealt a blow no one could ever imagine. On this day, in Glendemann Park, Holland Park West an absolute tragic and sudden accident occurred, where beautiful Mia, at only five young months of age, grew her little angel wings and left this world for the final time. Shattering everyone’s hearts, and crushing Jacob and Simone’s world in the blink of an eye where no day would ever be the same.
No words can begin to describe the torture Jacob and Simone are going through. A life cut so short, much sooner than any one of us expected. Mia was and forever will be the light of Jacob and Simone’s lives.
Jacob and Simone have not asked for anything but time, time to grieve the loss of their stunning little ray of sunshine. We as family will forever be here for them, to love, cherish and support them through the good times and the bad.
Katie and Sophie are trying their absolute best to get an exemption to cross the Queensland border so they can be there to support our family, but as for now, the absolute least we can all do is to try and raise some money. Raise some money to not only help Jacob and Simone pay for the cost of Mia’s funeral, but to enable Jacob and Simone to take as much time away from work and the world as they need, and to relieve all of the financial stress associated with this absolute horrific tragedy.
Katie, Sophie, Claudia and Steph are the sisters to the proudest and most doting mother and father. We ask you as their family, their friends, their acquaintances, or even strangers, to dig deep and donate whatever you can to allow them to take as long as they need to grieve.
From the bottom of our hearts, we ask you to donate whether it be big or small. For those that cannot afford to donate, sharing this to spread the word and the love would mean everything. We can guarantee Jacob and Simone will be forever grateful to you all.
We love you both Jacob and Simone, and will forever love you Mia….Fly high baby girl…
Love always and forever Katie, Sophie, Claudia and Steph xxx
(100% of funds raised will go directly to Jacob and Simone)