Tragic and senseless murder of Elba Estrada
Donation protected
Hola, mi nombre es Ashley Peñaloza y estoy pidiendo ayuda desesperadamente. El 14 de enero, la mujer que ayudó a criarme fue trágicamente asesinada por su hija. Era una mujer extremadamente trabajadora y dedicada a ser una madre increíble. Ella hizo todo lo que estuvo a su alcance para ayudar a sus hijos y a los hijos de cualquier otra persona necesitada. Su hija la ha estado lastimando y acosando repetidamente. Le había robado su coche y todo el dinero que tenía a su nombre, pero Elba nunca se rindió con ella, así era ella. No podía vivir sabiendo que su hija estaba sola en la calle, por lo que hizo todo lo posible varias veces para atenderla. El día 14, Elba estaba haciendo recados en San Bernardino cuando recibió una llamada de su hija preguntándole por artículos de primera necesidad. Pidió reunirse con ella en un Walmart que está completamente apartado, en Coachella. Elba no lo cuestionó, nunca lo hizo, saltó para ayudar a su hija “necesitada”. Todos le advirtieron sobre lo loca que se estaba volviendo su hija, pero siendo la madre increíble que es, ella nunca escuchó. Ojalá lo hiciera, pero ese es sólo el corazón que tenía. En cambio, saltó, se subió al auto y se reunió con ella en el lugar que ella había solicitado. Lamentablemente cuando llegaron y bajaron del auto, su hija maliciosamente la apuñaló en el cuello con un cuchillo. Elba se desangró y sufrió mucho dolor en el estacionamiento de Walmart. Estamos pidiendo absolutamente cualquier cosa para ayudar con los gastos de su funeral. Ella se merece la despedida más hermosa y queremos asegurarnos de que reciba exactamente eso.
Hello, my name is Ashley Penaloza and I am desperately asking for help. On January 14th, the woman that helped raise me was tragically murdered by her daughter. She was an extremely hardworking woman and she was dedicated to being an amazing mother. She did everything in her power to help her children and anyone else’s children in need. Her daughter has been repeatedly hurting and harassing her. She had stolen her car and all the money she had to her name but Elba never gave up on her, its who she was. She couldn’t live with herself knowing that her daughter is on the streets alone so she went out of her way multiple times to cater to her. On the 14th, Elba was running errands in San Bernardino when she got a call from her daughter asking for basic necessities. She asked to meet her at a Walmart thats completely out of the way, in Coachella. Elba didn’t question it, she never did, She jumped up to help her daughter “in need”. Everyone warned her about how crazy her daughter was becoming but being the amazing mother she is, she never listened. We wish she did, but thats just the heart she had. Instead, she jumped up, got in the car and met her at the location she requested. Unfortunately when they arrived and got out of the car, her daughter maliciously stabbed her in the neck with a knife. Elba bled out and suffered in so much pain at the Walmart parking lot. We are asking for absolutely anything to help out with her funeral expenses. She deserves the most beautiful send off and we want to make sure she gets exactly that.
Hello, my name is Ashley Penaloza and I am desperately asking for help. On January 14th, the woman that helped raise me was tragically murdered by her daughter. She was an extremely hardworking woman and she was dedicated to being an amazing mother. She did everything in her power to help her children and anyone else’s children in need. Her daughter has been repeatedly hurting and harassing her. She had stolen her car and all the money she had to her name but Elba never gave up on her, its who she was. She couldn’t live with herself knowing that her daughter is on the streets alone so she went out of her way multiple times to cater to her. On the 14th, Elba was running errands in San Bernardino when she got a call from her daughter asking for basic necessities. She asked to meet her at a Walmart thats completely out of the way, in Coachella. Elba didn’t question it, she never did, She jumped up to help her daughter “in need”. Everyone warned her about how crazy her daughter was becoming but being the amazing mother she is, she never listened. We wish she did, but thats just the heart she had. Instead, she jumped up, got in the car and met her at the location she requested. Unfortunately when they arrived and got out of the car, her daughter maliciously stabbed her in the neck with a knife. Elba bled out and suffered in so much pain at the Walmart parking lot. We are asking for absolutely anything to help out with her funeral expenses. She deserves the most beautiful send off and we want to make sure she gets exactly that.
Ashley Penaloza
San Bernardino, CA