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5 Children Left Without Parents After Accident

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Jessica and Jake Woodruff were fatal victims after a redwood tree fell on their car as they drove along Route 199,  while on an annual trip up the coast for Jessica’s 45th birthday. Leaving behind their children, Megan, Evan, Casey, Allie, and Chelsea. This was a shocking and unexpected event, and the tragedy of this accident makes it difficult to accept as real. These 5 children are now left without parents and are facing a lifetime of expenses. We are asking that anyone who can support them, please do so, as these children are facing the devastating reality of what was just ripped from their lives in a split second. Those of you who know this family, know how tight-knit they are, and their lives will forever be changed. Thank you for your consideration, support, and condolences during this unbelievable time.

Details of tragic accident may be found here: (Warning: Images may be graphic.)


  • Elijah Sears
    • $20
    • 6 mos
  • Tilek Shopokov
    • $50
    • 6 mos
  • Diane Pelham
    • $100
    • 11 mos
  • Anonym
    • $250
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $25
    • 2 yrs


Amanda Maffei
East Quincy, CA

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