Transforming the Teamsters From the Bottom Up
Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) and rank-and-file activists have been fighting contract givebacks and business unionism for decades.
Now, we are on the verge of winning new leadership and a new direction in North America's most powerful union.
Will you donate today and stand behind rank-and-file activists to build power for working people?
Will you donate today and stand behind rank-and-file activists to build power for working people?
More than 1.3 million Teamsters are voting right now to elect new International Union leaders. The O'Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United Slate is favored to win when the ballots are counted starting November 15.
Rank-and-file Teamsters are on a campaign blitz to end the Hoffa era and make history. Our real work starts when the ballot count ends.
Teamster members just raised $92,845 at the annual TDU Convention to train and mobilize activists and build the rank-and-file power we'll need to win from UPS to Amazon and to transform the the Teamsters from the bottom up.
Funds from non-Teamsters are not used in union election campaigns—they support education and legal defense programs to protect workers' rights.
Teamster Rank & File Education & Legal Defense Foundation