Transparency for Weld County Commissioners
My Name is Bill Gillard. I am a Vietnam Veteran, and an average citizen that cares about how our tax money is spent.
To me, transparency is the key to an open and honest government. The board of commissioners only started recording
work sessions when an independent performance audit dinged the board for lack of transparency. I have asked the Weld County Board of Commissioners to video record all of their board meetings and work sessions along with the County
Council meetings. It wasn't until this Gofundme account was launched that I finally got a answer. This is the inadequate
and shallow paraphrased answer of the past and present chairpersons to the Gofundme
campaign, "We will see how much money is raised through this account and then we
(the commissioners) will determine whether there is enough public interest."
The previously requested amount of $60,000.00 to has been adjusted $6,000.00. This money will be used to purchase a camera which will allow live steaming of the meetings for
public viewing via the internet, hire an IT person to set up an internet account for
video archives, as well as hire an intern to help with the recordings until the Board of
Commissioners come to the realization that they should take on the responsibility for
the video recordings.
This is how honest, open government should work, FOR the people they represent, not vise
Please donate what you can. Every dollar donated " Is a vote for Transparency"
Thank you
W.D. "Bill" Gillard