Traumatic brain injury relief
Please do share and follow my road to recovery. Lets help somebody else to find their own road! Your help and it can be part your "ASPHALT" that they are traveling. Even if all my friend could just toss a single dollar. Would be such a huge burden off my shoulders of the fees to file a 501c3 nonprofit .
My name is Aaron, after a motorcycle accident. I spent two and a half months in a coma. Had a stroke and a severe traumatic brain injury. At 36, still over two years later. I'm fighting with disability. I have not received any income. I came up with this idea for, traumatic brain injury relief.Where anybody like myself that had the carpet yanked out from underneath them. Can no longer afford to pay bills. Live on their own. Anything like that for there to be some kind of cushion for them to fall on. The name of that is going to be, Rolling 4 recovery. Because I plan to have people match dollar to mile, I'm able to log on the odometer of my bike. I also want to incorporate personal protection equipment (PPE). Into it as far as helmets,leathers,boots,eye protection all racing PPE. If somehow I'm able to reach children for safety helmets. If I had on the proper equipment, I may not be in the predicament I am now. I was fortunate enough that I was able to make a compleate recovery. I was able to obtain my driver's license and motorcycle license again. There are many nowhere near as fortunate. Even though I was given a less than 10% chance of survival. My mother being told, if I were to survive I would not be able to tie my shoes. At best I would be able to brush my hair. Please help me, help everybody I can. Please help me to get these nonprofits off the ground.
I've come up with hopefully a good plan B. In order to earn the money to launch the non profit. I will be hosting a motercycle show. At Atlantic city cycle center white horse pike (rt.30) Hammonton, New Jersey. On 5/20/2022 and5/21/2022. Ending on 5/22/2022 with a poker run to sunset Beach capemay, N.J Where my friend Pastor Paul. Vice president of the Christian legion motercycle club,will be holding a blessing of the bikes ceremony. To bring in a fun safe riding season.. I will have the support of so far most of the United States Armed forces. Army, Marines,coastguard, Navy, Airforce and Spaceforce. Will all be setting up promo recruiting tents. Along with bringing in the troops. In order to me greet people,walking around in dress to shake hands.
I've been pushing so hard to make this happen. Everything has been done 100% on my own with nothing but push back. You can't do this,you can't do that. Shore can that was achieved weeks ago. With only the sweat off of my own eyebrow.
Off the top of my head. 100% unassisted, I've Cory Baldwin Fine shine Auto Detailing,Pepboys,Advance auto,Auto zone,Inkustion tattoo,moonlight tattoo,ink ur body tattoo,shore gate golf,town movie theter,Absecon light house. Salon Ohh Omar Lopez who has had a very successfull hair dressing career from celebrity's to NY fashion week will be contributing a hair style.leigh Davis owner of Luv leigh hair salon will be doing the same. All to give me donations to raffle off.
Check back,in order to stay informed. Please contribute to help others road to recovery. Be a little bit smoother. Make it part your "ASPHALT" by helping.
Thx, the 1 the only
Aaron Dilks