Travis Dopp - Colon Cancer Fight Club
Donation protected
Hello everyone, this is Travis - So I've had a year to learn about my cancer and where the real symptoms began, so it's time to update my story and let everyone know where the raised funds have gone towards and what I need to raise to finish this second half of my cancer fight journey:
Now going back and really looking when things started to change with my body was in October of 2019 - I had blood in my stool weekly and I lost 30lbs in a month and a half. I thought it was from a multiple of different things: I was really active everyday, my house didn't have AC and I would sweat bad in my sleep. That only lasted for three weeks and then things were normal. Then at the end of December I got sick - I thought I caught a stomach bug, but this bug lasted for almost two months. I cleaned up my diet in February and things got a bit better. I got from a trip in March of 2020 and that's when things all changed: a dozen bowel movements a day, bleeding along with dull, but constant back and abdominal pain, I had six zoom meetings with my doctor. We began treating an ulcer - I completely changed my diet to combat an ulcer. Everything was good as long as I would stay on course with that diet, but the second I went off the diet, all of the symptoms came back and worse at the end of May 2020. Scheduled to have a colonoscopy for June, but the doctor didn't believe I had cancer - so I took that and canceled my procedure. Not smart now knowing the outcome. All of June and July I had no blood in my stool, but sometimes mild back pains, cause I stayed on my ulcer fighting diet. The end of July and August where everything changed - pain and constant blood in my stool - this added a ton of stress along with the work I was trying to complete. Thankfully, my doctor gave me a serious and professional scolding over our zoom meeting and told me this is nothing to mess around with - I NEED A COLONOSCOPY!
Thursday September 17, 2020 I found out that I had a cancerous tumor on my colon. The following week I got my CT Scan that showed the tumor was cancer, and 2-3 Lymph Nodes were swollen - one of the Lymph Nodes was in a higher location, which brought a lot of questions.
I'm started doing the diet that Chris Wark used to beat his Stage 3 Colon Cancer diagnosis a week after my diagnosis, not only is his journey inspiring, but he lays out the ground work to accept the change that Cancer has you go through. He's 17 years in remission. As I begin my new lifestyle, I began to search for my second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth opinions: Bronson Kalamazoo, U of M, Lemmen-Holton Cancer Pavilion GR, The Mayo Clinic, and then Bronson Cancer Center in Battle Creek.
Bronson Kalamazoo wasn't much help - they couldn't get anything together for me - it was disconcerting, especially after hearing stories of people almost dying that went to them - they all went to UofM to have their lives saved. I scheduled my appointments with UofM for a scheduled surgery on November 2, 2020. The surgeon noticed something on my liver from my CT Scan. So on my birthday - October 23, 2020 they do a PET Scan of my liver. On Monday October 26, 2020 I'm told I'm inoperable and that I have Stage 4 Colon Cancer - I only have 2-4 yrs to live if the chemo takes. This won't be the first time conventional doctors tell me that I'm going to die from this. THEIR TRUTH I CAN'T BUY INTO. November 6, 2020 I get my Chemo Port installed. After one more meeting with UofM to go over my Chemo Treatment, now knowing that my blood work said I wasn't prone to having Cancer and that I had a gene that prevents Cancer from spreading rapidly, I was told if I don't do their chemo regiment at their facility my chances of living were low. I wasn't really thrilled with UofM's Oncologist and Surgeon's communication with me - it was emotionless and it felt like they only looked at me as a number and a cadaver.
After hearing a couple of inspiring stories I talked with Dr. Brett T. Brinker's team at Lemmen-Holton Cancer Pavilion in Grand Rapids - he no longer was in the Colon Cancer department, and that's who I wanted to meet, but not an option. They have all of my scans and results - they were great people and super helpful, but at the exact same time I was in talks with The Mayo Clinic.
On November 9, 2020 I had a zoom meeting with the Mayo Clinic's Oncology team to hear how they'd treat my case. This team is amazing, they are very thorough, and they don't miss anything. After a handful of meetings with them, they suggested a biopsy on my liver and to begin Chemo Treatment, 6-12 rounds of chemo every two weeks. Went back to UofM to get a biopsy on my liver - they couldn't hit the liver spots - they were too small to hit... they took two different approaches with a lot of different people trying to touch one.
At this point I'm getting pretty frustrated with ALL conventional medicine and the approach they're taking towards my case. A friend reached out to my sister and told her about Bronson Cancer Center in Battle Creek - they saved her. After meeting with Dr. Cox and hearing his take on my limited disease - he was the most optimistic person I met during this conventional journey. So on December 16, 2020 I started my chemo treatments with Bronson, Battle Creek.
During this treatment, I also began doing Acupuncture weekly, did 113 days of Raw Vegan diet, meditation, positive affirmations, working out, and therapy to look at how this disease manifested inside of me. While doing three months of chemo treatment without a 110% diagnoses, we finally got a 110% diagnosis on February 25, 2021 at The Mayo Clinic. The lesions on my liver are cancer, and the higher lymph node is still there and it's grown slightly since September of 2020. The tumor in my colon has shrunk in half and the FDG number dropped from 28 to 15, and STILL my blood work remained perfect.
So after this it was a must I get insurance - to this point I was paying for everything out of pocket at The Mayo Clinic. This insurance journey is a entirely different nightmare that would take pages to explain. In a nutshell, insurance delayed any form of treatment and surgery by four months, and denies to pay some of my treatments, cause "I'm too young and too healthy" - I've been diagnosed Stage 4 Colon Cancer, but I'm healthy to my insurance company.
From March to June I was supposed to have two surgeries, but The Mayo Clinic kept changing the dates to have me do other treatments and to add more surgical teams for my surgery. Now during these months I began to really look into Natural Holistic Healing programs, but every time I would mention this to The Mayo Clinic team, they would say I wouldn't live. The Mayo Clinic said I should do 5.5. weeks of Radiation and Chemo pills, and they were trying to convince me that I needed to move there and use their equipment only. AGAIN a friend reached out to me to inform me that Bronson's Radiation team saved their life. I meet with them and found out that they have equipment that no one in the state of Michigan has. So I went to Bronson to do my Radiation.
So August I was scheduled to have my surgery, three Mayo Teams would go in to remove my Cancer: Colon Surgeon, Liver Surgeon, and radiation team. Then a week before surgery they moved my surgery out to the middle of September to add micro radiation to my surgery. By this point I was getting sick of being yanked around by them and just adding more and more stuff to my surgery. I was in talk with an outside Oncologist to see what his thoughts were on all of this - he was only into them removing my tumor and not touching my liver or putting radiation in my body. They wanted to move the surgery out to October.
I was at my parents house that same day, and my mom was told about a 60+ year old man that had Stage 3 Rectum Cancer and 35 of his Lymph Nodes were full of cancer. He was told bad news by his conventional doctors, and then he heard about this Natural Holistic Doctor in Shipshewana, IN that saved him and cured him of his Cancer without any surgery. The stories I've heard that came from this place were almost not real - people that were told they had terminal Cancer. They're all Cancer FREE from doing their program.
On September 3, 2021 I met with them and started their herbal natural regiment. In three days of being on their program - I felt brand new, I haven't felt this good. Week later I called The Mayo Clinic and told them that I will be trying the Natural route and that I would like my surgery to be put on hold. They told me four times that day that I'd die if I go in this direction. They called me 23 times, and they called my mom 4 times. If this doesn't scream weird, I don't know. This is big business, and they were panicking that they were going to lose over a million dollars from my surgery. I've lost their trust, and now I know why they kept pushing and adding to my surgery. Money.
October 14, 2021 I met with The Michigan Center for Holistic Medicine team in Lansing to begin my Vitamin C transfusions and Ozone treatment. This is everything I wanted to do from the beginning, but every conventional doctor said it won't end well for me. Northern Nutrition and MCHM are my new team alongside Doctor Cox at Bronson. We track my blood every four weeks to watch my markers. So remember that Mayo told me that I would die if I went the Natural Holistic route. My last blood work in August - my CEA numbers were at 8.1 (Normal CEA numbers are 3-5). October 25, 2021 I got my numbers back and my CEA dropped to 3.7 and my other key numbers were good before, but they got better. Doctor Cox really liked the results, and told me to keep doing what I'm doing.
The money that we have raised on this site and other donations this past year, here's where your donations went to 11/4/20-10/15/21:
The Mayo Cinic/Insurance: $22,000
Appointment Travel: $6,200
Dental: $3,200
Rent/Utilities/Living: $33,600
Acupuncture: $2,080
The Cancer fight isn't over, but I'm liking where I'm at these days, especially how I feel and now that I see my numbers going in the right direction. The next year will be busy - I travel between three different facilities with weekly treatments that are all 110% natural.
I'm still in healing and fight mode, so I still need to be careful with our present conditions in the world - I can't work the way I'd like to. Now insurance covers none of this treatment - they only cover my blood work and conventional scans. I need 85k to pay for every form of natural treatments and living expenses. I will be cancer free in 2022 without any form of surgery - this is mine and my teams goal.
Please know this, forever and always I thank you and deeply appreciate ALL of your support and kind words.
Follow my journey at:
Instagram: travisjdopp
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ShyGuy1975
lie and tell your doctor you have blood in your stool. EVERYONE GET YOUR BUTTS CHECKED – if they find something, this cancer is preventable.
Now going back and really looking when things started to change with my body was in October of 2019 - I had blood in my stool weekly and I lost 30lbs in a month and a half. I thought it was from a multiple of different things: I was really active everyday, my house didn't have AC and I would sweat bad in my sleep. That only lasted for three weeks and then things were normal. Then at the end of December I got sick - I thought I caught a stomach bug, but this bug lasted for almost two months. I cleaned up my diet in February and things got a bit better. I got from a trip in March of 2020 and that's when things all changed: a dozen bowel movements a day, bleeding along with dull, but constant back and abdominal pain, I had six zoom meetings with my doctor. We began treating an ulcer - I completely changed my diet to combat an ulcer. Everything was good as long as I would stay on course with that diet, but the second I went off the diet, all of the symptoms came back and worse at the end of May 2020. Scheduled to have a colonoscopy for June, but the doctor didn't believe I had cancer - so I took that and canceled my procedure. Not smart now knowing the outcome. All of June and July I had no blood in my stool, but sometimes mild back pains, cause I stayed on my ulcer fighting diet. The end of July and August where everything changed - pain and constant blood in my stool - this added a ton of stress along with the work I was trying to complete. Thankfully, my doctor gave me a serious and professional scolding over our zoom meeting and told me this is nothing to mess around with - I NEED A COLONOSCOPY!
Thursday September 17, 2020 I found out that I had a cancerous tumor on my colon. The following week I got my CT Scan that showed the tumor was cancer, and 2-3 Lymph Nodes were swollen - one of the Lymph Nodes was in a higher location, which brought a lot of questions.
I'm started doing the diet that Chris Wark used to beat his Stage 3 Colon Cancer diagnosis a week after my diagnosis, not only is his journey inspiring, but he lays out the ground work to accept the change that Cancer has you go through. He's 17 years in remission. As I begin my new lifestyle, I began to search for my second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth opinions: Bronson Kalamazoo, U of M, Lemmen-Holton Cancer Pavilion GR, The Mayo Clinic, and then Bronson Cancer Center in Battle Creek.
Bronson Kalamazoo wasn't much help - they couldn't get anything together for me - it was disconcerting, especially after hearing stories of people almost dying that went to them - they all went to UofM to have their lives saved. I scheduled my appointments with UofM for a scheduled surgery on November 2, 2020. The surgeon noticed something on my liver from my CT Scan. So on my birthday - October 23, 2020 they do a PET Scan of my liver. On Monday October 26, 2020 I'm told I'm inoperable and that I have Stage 4 Colon Cancer - I only have 2-4 yrs to live if the chemo takes. This won't be the first time conventional doctors tell me that I'm going to die from this. THEIR TRUTH I CAN'T BUY INTO. November 6, 2020 I get my Chemo Port installed. After one more meeting with UofM to go over my Chemo Treatment, now knowing that my blood work said I wasn't prone to having Cancer and that I had a gene that prevents Cancer from spreading rapidly, I was told if I don't do their chemo regiment at their facility my chances of living were low. I wasn't really thrilled with UofM's Oncologist and Surgeon's communication with me - it was emotionless and it felt like they only looked at me as a number and a cadaver.
After hearing a couple of inspiring stories I talked with Dr. Brett T. Brinker's team at Lemmen-Holton Cancer Pavilion in Grand Rapids - he no longer was in the Colon Cancer department, and that's who I wanted to meet, but not an option. They have all of my scans and results - they were great people and super helpful, but at the exact same time I was in talks with The Mayo Clinic.
On November 9, 2020 I had a zoom meeting with the Mayo Clinic's Oncology team to hear how they'd treat my case. This team is amazing, they are very thorough, and they don't miss anything. After a handful of meetings with them, they suggested a biopsy on my liver and to begin Chemo Treatment, 6-12 rounds of chemo every two weeks. Went back to UofM to get a biopsy on my liver - they couldn't hit the liver spots - they were too small to hit... they took two different approaches with a lot of different people trying to touch one.
At this point I'm getting pretty frustrated with ALL conventional medicine and the approach they're taking towards my case. A friend reached out to my sister and told her about Bronson Cancer Center in Battle Creek - they saved her. After meeting with Dr. Cox and hearing his take on my limited disease - he was the most optimistic person I met during this conventional journey. So on December 16, 2020 I started my chemo treatments with Bronson, Battle Creek.
During this treatment, I also began doing Acupuncture weekly, did 113 days of Raw Vegan diet, meditation, positive affirmations, working out, and therapy to look at how this disease manifested inside of me. While doing three months of chemo treatment without a 110% diagnoses, we finally got a 110% diagnosis on February 25, 2021 at The Mayo Clinic. The lesions on my liver are cancer, and the higher lymph node is still there and it's grown slightly since September of 2020. The tumor in my colon has shrunk in half and the FDG number dropped from 28 to 15, and STILL my blood work remained perfect.
So after this it was a must I get insurance - to this point I was paying for everything out of pocket at The Mayo Clinic. This insurance journey is a entirely different nightmare that would take pages to explain. In a nutshell, insurance delayed any form of treatment and surgery by four months, and denies to pay some of my treatments, cause "I'm too young and too healthy" - I've been diagnosed Stage 4 Colon Cancer, but I'm healthy to my insurance company.
From March to June I was supposed to have two surgeries, but The Mayo Clinic kept changing the dates to have me do other treatments and to add more surgical teams for my surgery. Now during these months I began to really look into Natural Holistic Healing programs, but every time I would mention this to The Mayo Clinic team, they would say I wouldn't live. The Mayo Clinic said I should do 5.5. weeks of Radiation and Chemo pills, and they were trying to convince me that I needed to move there and use their equipment only. AGAIN a friend reached out to me to inform me that Bronson's Radiation team saved their life. I meet with them and found out that they have equipment that no one in the state of Michigan has. So I went to Bronson to do my Radiation.
So August I was scheduled to have my surgery, three Mayo Teams would go in to remove my Cancer: Colon Surgeon, Liver Surgeon, and radiation team. Then a week before surgery they moved my surgery out to the middle of September to add micro radiation to my surgery. By this point I was getting sick of being yanked around by them and just adding more and more stuff to my surgery. I was in talk with an outside Oncologist to see what his thoughts were on all of this - he was only into them removing my tumor and not touching my liver or putting radiation in my body. They wanted to move the surgery out to October.
I was at my parents house that same day, and my mom was told about a 60+ year old man that had Stage 3 Rectum Cancer and 35 of his Lymph Nodes were full of cancer. He was told bad news by his conventional doctors, and then he heard about this Natural Holistic Doctor in Shipshewana, IN that saved him and cured him of his Cancer without any surgery. The stories I've heard that came from this place were almost not real - people that were told they had terminal Cancer. They're all Cancer FREE from doing their program.
On September 3, 2021 I met with them and started their herbal natural regiment. In three days of being on their program - I felt brand new, I haven't felt this good. Week later I called The Mayo Clinic and told them that I will be trying the Natural route and that I would like my surgery to be put on hold. They told me four times that day that I'd die if I go in this direction. They called me 23 times, and they called my mom 4 times. If this doesn't scream weird, I don't know. This is big business, and they were panicking that they were going to lose over a million dollars from my surgery. I've lost their trust, and now I know why they kept pushing and adding to my surgery. Money.
October 14, 2021 I met with The Michigan Center for Holistic Medicine team in Lansing to begin my Vitamin C transfusions and Ozone treatment. This is everything I wanted to do from the beginning, but every conventional doctor said it won't end well for me. Northern Nutrition and MCHM are my new team alongside Doctor Cox at Bronson. We track my blood every four weeks to watch my markers. So remember that Mayo told me that I would die if I went the Natural Holistic route. My last blood work in August - my CEA numbers were at 8.1 (Normal CEA numbers are 3-5). October 25, 2021 I got my numbers back and my CEA dropped to 3.7 and my other key numbers were good before, but they got better. Doctor Cox really liked the results, and told me to keep doing what I'm doing.
The money that we have raised on this site and other donations this past year, here's where your donations went to 11/4/20-10/15/21:
The Mayo Cinic/Insurance: $22,000
Appointment Travel: $6,200
Dental: $3,200
Rent/Utilities/Living: $33,600
Acupuncture: $2,080
The Cancer fight isn't over, but I'm liking where I'm at these days, especially how I feel and now that I see my numbers going in the right direction. The next year will be busy - I travel between three different facilities with weekly treatments that are all 110% natural.
I'm still in healing and fight mode, so I still need to be careful with our present conditions in the world - I can't work the way I'd like to. Now insurance covers none of this treatment - they only cover my blood work and conventional scans. I need 85k to pay for every form of natural treatments and living expenses. I will be cancer free in 2022 without any form of surgery - this is mine and my teams goal.
Please know this, forever and always I thank you and deeply appreciate ALL of your support and kind words.
Follow my journey at:
Instagram: travisjdopp
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ShyGuy1975
lie and tell your doctor you have blood in your stool. EVERYONE GET YOUR BUTTS CHECKED – if they find something, this cancer is preventable.
Organizer and beneficiary
Marshall, MI

Travis J Dopp